
In 2011, government schools in New South Wales, Australia began offering philosophy based ethics courses as an alternative to courses in religious education. This case probes the ensuing debate and surveys the diversity of ethical claims made by supporters and detractors of both religious classes and philsophy based ethics classes.

Solution #1
By covering all religions and only talking about what the religion believes based upon facts and sources, this allows you to base your teachings on facts and not opinions. This will also avoid any problems with people putting in their own opinions.

I agree, this is a good way to go about the situation

Solution #2
I agree with this. If students don't want to be involved with a religion or don't want to hear about any other than their own, then they don't have to. I like that there is an option.
Solution #3
I try not to get involve with religion.
Solution #4
I don't think there should be religion involved in public schooling to begin with. It creates too many political pressures. But yes, I think it's a great solution for their circumstance.