
A school principal is asked to respond to growing numbers of parents opting their children out of state tests. How should she balance these parents’ concerns with other parent viewpoints supporting assessment, her own professional obligations, as well as with district and state accountability pressures?

Solution #1
A solution for this school principal would be to stick to the Facts regarding parents who choose to allow their students to opt out of state testing and provide only facts about the district and state accountability policy and procedures. Do not give any personal opinions about the situation.

I agree. Sticking to the facts provides a neutral explanation, whereas loading the explanation with "personal" vocabulary could anger parents.

Solution #2
By following the guidelines, the principle can avoid these problems. Although everyone has their opinions, it is in everyones best interest to opt for following the rules set into place.
Solution #3
In this situation I would take a poll or a vote on the matter. If the results of this turn out to be something they are legally allowed to do (such as not test) then that should be the solution. If there are parents that are really wanting their kids to test, maybe you can find a test that will count toward their grade, in order to meet their needs as well.
Solution #4
The teacher and school should give an unbiased opinion about the tests. The parents should be made aware of the stat accountability, also.