
What would be the best way to handle parents who want to be in constant contact with you throughout the school day? They are constantly emailing checking in on their student and then get mad when you do not respond in a timely manner. They also email after school hours and very late at night too.

Solution #1
Make sure you tell the parents your contacting policy at the beginning of the year so they know what to expect. Always try to reply with in 24 hours and use the students planner to communicate as well!
Solution #2
I agree with the previous solution to set communication guidelines at the beginning of the year. It is important to make sure that the parents are aware and understand these guidelines. It is also vital that you commit to following the guidelines because helicopter parents take a mile if you give them an inch. In addition, if parents become frustrated at responses that are not in a timely manner it would be helpful to remind them that you are busy teaching and watching all of your students during the day. If your school has a policy on communicating with parents it would be helpful to share this with them and use it as a procedure when you are communicating with parents.
Solution #3
I would make sure I had a all my classroom rules, policies, procedures and expectations written in a packet for parents. I would make sure all my parents know that I do not conference before school or after school unless one is scheduled. I would make sure my parents knew that during school hours my full attention is on my students. When I get a break or when my students are in specials I will check my emails and respond. I would also make it known after school hours and weekends are my time with my family I will not respond to any emails unless it I an absolute emergency.
Solution #4
Establish with the parents as early as possibly that your office and contact hours are 7am-4pm. Monday-Friday. No sooner, no earlier. The way that a business or their own boss or themselves experience, work is not life and it should be kept separate. It should also be noted to them that you are constantly working within those hours and should only be able to check your email x amount of times as you are at your computer during independent work time for the students.