A student constantly falls asleep during class. You wake them up several times but they just fall back asleep. What is the best way to handle this? Do you bring it up to the parents? Do you let the child sleep? Is it fair to the other students to let the child sleep?
I think that this is the best solution. The student might be staying up too late and not getting enough sleep at night.
Getting some insight from the parents will surely be a major step in providing a solution to the dilemma.
If I was teacher I would first approach student and let student know of consequences of sleeping in class.
I agree with this solution.
If I was a teacher I would have a zero tolerance policy for teaching.
I agree, take some data on when, how often and how long the child is sleeping for.
I like this course of action and if I have an issue like this in my classroom I will address like this.
If i was a teacher talking to the student first would be my first option.
I like that this solution makes sure the parents don't feel attacked for not making sure their child is getting enough sleep since educating adults who arent open for it can get hostile.
IF I was the teacher I wouldn't contact parent first. I'll give student a chance first.
I agree with this solution.
If I was a teacher I would give all of my students a fair chance.
if I was a teacher Ill contact the parent after the second time.
If I was a teacher Ill ask student is he/she getting any sleep at home.
If I was a teacher Ill reach out to parent after consulting with student.
If I was a teacher scheduling a conference or phone call would help solve issue.
If I was a teacher i would definitely speak to student first.
If I was a teacher and a student constantly sleeps in class after speaking to them Ill contact the parent.
If I was teacher Ill speak to student.
If I was the teacher Ill do the same.
If I was a virtual teacher I would inform parent and hae a parent conference if issue persist.
If I was a teacher Ill do my research first to figure out if student has any medical conditions.