I am in my second internship in an ESE classroom in middle school. My CT frequently leaves the classroom when I am teaching a lesson to go to the office, or to sit at her desk in another room to grade papers. During my lesson the classroom assistant will overly correct behaviors, and try to co-teach the lesson. I have never had any trouble with classroom management or teaching a lesson effectively, so I am not sure why she feels like she needs to act that way. I have spoken to my CT about it and she has spoken to the assistant several times, but she continues to do it the minute my CT leaves. I have also asked her to stop as well with no results. What should I do next?
I think a meeting is the best solution for this issue. Everyone can talk and is on the same page by the end of it.
I like the collaboration aspect in your solution but working with others is something we must get through especially when its difficult. So finding another classroom assignment would be negative in your internship experience.