Lunch Money

I saw a child standing in the hallway crying because he didn't have his lunch money says left it on the counter at home is it appropriate for me as a teacher to buy that child a lunch?

Solution #1
Top Solution
This is up to the discretion of the teacher. One option would be to provide that child with a snack from your classroom, rather than giving money. Teachers should be careful to avoid doing this often and publicly, because you do not want this to become an expectation of you from students. If this becomes a repeated issue with that student, I would reach out to the family.

I agree with this. Discretion is important because kids will learn to become reliant on the teacher. I personally would reach out to the parents after the third time, just to set a definite number on the case.

I think this is a great solution. Something to add might be allowing the student to get a lunch and pay for it later without the student understand the situation fully.

Solution #2
As for myself I could never see a child hungry and not help. If the child doesn't eat how can he/she perform on an empty stomach. Anything could have happened such as a busy morning and the parent might have forgot to give the child money. I would just send the parent an email telling them about the situation. I would let them know you paid for the lunch as well because you could not let the child not eat. Let them know it's no big deal you know situations happen and you just wanted to keep them informed. I would also remind the parent that they can pay for lunches online. I know most schools offer a peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches for children who forgot lunches or lunch money as well.

This seems like a wonderful course of action making sure to contact the parent in a way that doesn't put them on edge is great.

Solution #3
If I saw a child crying because he forgot lunch money, I would be sure to follow the school policy regarding this issue. Most schools will have a set plan in place to remedy this situation because it is probably a common issue. Before providing snacks or food to any student, teachers need to be aware of what can and cannot be offered to the child regarding and possible allergies or restrictions.
Solution #4
There are policies at each school to address this situation. It is difficult seeing someone deprived of the basic human needs for survival, so I would assume most adults would find a way to get the student food. It is important to keep in mind, medical conditions could prevent some students from eating certain things. Before the student eats, the adult must be sure the food is appropriate.

I like how you keep food allergies in mind. It's very important to consider any kind of food allergies because you do not want to hurt the student.

Solution #5
You could buy the student lunch, but I would take the student to the cafeteria and make the cafeteria staff aware of the situation and they will feed that student. They send home letters to inform the parents that student did not pay for lunch and the parent can send the money in the next day.
Solution #6
There are policies at each school to address this situation. It is difficult seeing someone deprived of the basic human needs for survival, so I would assume most adults would find a way to get the student food. It is important to keep in mind, medical conditions could prevent some students from eating certain things. Before the student eats, the adult must be sure the food is appropriate.
Solution #7
Ultimately, it is up to you whether you want to buy the student's lunch. I would tell the student that you will give them some money to pay for their lunch and to not tell their classmates because they might feel like you are "playing favorites". I personally plan on having some snacks ready for students to have in this situation or if their parents don't have enough money for lunch. But this depends on the teacher.
Solution #8
I think if it is a one time thing, it is appropriate. But if it becomes a recurring thing, maybe speak with the parents on alternatives and if there is another reason such as being unable to afford said lunch, speak with colleagues or the principal to find ways to make lunch more accessible for students who cannot pay for their lunch.
Solution #9
Depending on your state and school district, some schools have resources for students who cannot afford their lunch. While it is unfortunately and depressingly uncommon, I would look to see if there are any resources for getting the student financial aid.
Solution #10
I think I personally will be the kind of teacher that will keep a bunch of snacks in my classroom. For myself, for positive reinforcement, and for situations like this. The last thing I want is for students to go hungry. If it starts to become a habit, I would definitely talk to their parents about it. I think the school lunch setup is very frustrating but there's only so much I would be able to change so I would take advantage of what I'm allowed to do.
Solution #11
Carla, While this is a sad moment of real-life teaching. You really should not be giving the students money for lunch or anything else. Just because this could be viewed as a code of ethics violation in the state of Florida. I think that you could have some snacks for the students on the bookshelf in your classroom just in case a student has this problem or goes hungry or hasn't eaten. I do not advise giving the student money in the school and especially giving money openly where someone could see that. Remember that students could see this as an advantage point with you and then lean on you when they need money. Do not let them take advantage of you.
Solution #12
Some schools have a system in place for students who are unable to pay for lunch that day. Students may be able to put it on a credit and repay when they have the chance and receive a special meal. The meal may not be as hearty as the normal serving but it is better than nothing. If the school does not have a system like this in place then I would say it is up to the teacher. Teachers may keep food in the classroom for situations like this so the child still has something to eat without necessarily giving them money. You'll want to be sure you are following the policies of the school.
Solution #13
Many schools have certain protocols and policies when it comes to this considering it can also be a sensitive subject. I would first talk to your school to figure out what their policy is on this. If they don't have anything that can help the student I think its up to you. If I was in this case I would provided the student with money because I could never imagine seeing a kid starve and not help him.
Solution #14
Depending on your school's policies, I would keep snacks in my desk in the event that this occurs. You don't want the student to rely on you going forward, but you also don't want your student to have to skip lunch. A student can't sit in the classroom all day without having eaten. I would, however, reach out to the parent/guardian via phone call or app system (ex. Remind) to let them know what happened. If it becomes a recurring issue, I would speak with the guidance counselor.
Solution #15
If you feel it is the right thing to do then yes. But i also think many schools have an option for a free lunch that day, like a ham and cheese sandwhich or pb and j
Solution #16
I think that it is as long as there is a note sent home with the student to give to the family saying they forgot their lunch money so you provided it for them.
Solution #17
I would first go to the office and talk to the administration to see if there is anything they can do. Or I would have some snacks available for students who need it. I personally wouldn't buy the student lunch because I wouldn't want to make a habit of it or make it unfair for the other students.
Solution #18
This would be up to the teacher. I would be careful with doing that because you don't want to upset the other students in your class.
Solution #19
This is up to the teacher, their is no issue at all, but I would also write a note for the parent about the student forgot his lunch money.
Solution #20
I as his teacher would not pay for his lunch,other students are watching and waiting for the response you will give.Just like a muffin or candy another student will forget their money the next day an expect you their teacher to provide money for them. When a student does not have any money or has forgotten their money at home the school cafeteria provides them with a credit slip. That slip allows them to get a lunch and reminds their parents to pay or set up an account if the student frequently forgets money. The cafeteria will not allow a student to go hungry.