Phone Numbers

Is it appropriate for parents to have our personal cell phone numbers? Is there a cut off time when talking to parents when we are off work?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Giving away your personal cell phone number is up to the discretion of the teacher. There are many other messaging apps available that can be implemented in the classroom, aside from using emails. ClassDojo is a common one, as well as Remind 101.

I believe this si the best approach to the problem

Solution #2
Depending on the grade level you teach, I would look into using class dojo the app. It lets you give out points for student behavior (good/bad) and the parents are able to go on the students profile and see how their child was throughout school, but it also lets you communicate back and forth through messaging.
Solution #3
A solution would be to develop a cut off time when talking to parents especially when off work like around 6 pm. It is not a requirement as a teacher to be available to parents 24/7. You are entitled to have personally time for yourself and your family as well. Whether or not you give parents your personal phone number is entirely up to you but if you have created a format for parents to contact you why would you give them your personal cell number?
Solution #4
Giving your personal cell phone number is up to the individual teacher. If you choose to give your number then yes there should be a cut off time , if you give the parent your number then implement boundaries that are respectful.
Solution #5
I don't believe there are rules against giving out personal phone numbers to parents, but it is up to the teacher whether that is something they want to share with parents. Sometimes urgent issues in the family might occur causing the parent to want to notify the teacher as soon as possible, rather than through an email that might not be seen. I would give parents both my email and phone number, letting them know that the phone number is only to be used for urgent messages. But then again, it is up to the discretion of the teacher.
Solution #6
I think it depends on the teacher. However there are other forms of communication that can be used interchangeably to phone numbers. Such as dojo.
Solution #7
I think that this is up to the teacher if they want their parents to have their personal phone number. If you give out your personal phone number parents may not respect the time of day that they call you or send you text messages.
Solution #8
I think it is up to the teacher if they want to give out their personal number. It might be more beneficial to use a different app for work-related conversations.
Solution #9
it is when it is school hours but if their texting or calling you after hours of work are over send out a kind email saying only contact my personal phone during this time.
Solution #10
I think it depends on the teacher. I personally would not give my phone number to all of the parents. I would only give my number out if it involves the students safety.
Solution #11
As the teacher I would give the parents my school phone number and school email so that they can contact me anytime Monday-Friday school hours about their child.
Solution #12
I believe a personal number is not appropriate, however, a business line or number should do fine. If over the phone is your preference for communication that is fine. As long as you specify what specific times you are available after school for parental concerns it can be an appropriate method of communication.
Solution #13
I feel like there are other apps a teacher could use to communicate with parents but I also see nothing wrong with having certain parents' phone numbers if it is for a problem child, a student with medical issues, etc. I think it really just depends on what the teacher is comfortable with doing and should be a conversation between them and the parents at the beginning of the year.
Solution #14
Yes, I think it is a great thing to have parent phone numbers. I would set a policy for parents to only contact me at certain times and my preferred method of contact. Voice to the parents that if they want to talk, they can also set up a meeting.
Solution #15
It is not required for you to give out you number however I have seen a lot of teachers do it just in the case of an emergency and unfortunately that is the easiest and quickest way to communicate nowadays. I would just set some ground rules to tell parents about when and where it is acceptable for them to reach you on your personal cell phone.
Solution #16
There are many teachers that do give their phone numbers out to parents and other that do not. I think the best thing to do is to check what the district and school policy is on giving parents teacher numbers. Based on that, you may want to set up a communication plan with parents such as communicating via email or dojo.

That's smart to check with your district and see if there are any policies regarding that.

Solution #17
Whether or not you give out your phone number to parents is up to you. There are advantages to doing so, like increased communication with parents and ease of communication. There are also disadvantages as parents can talk to you at all times of the day and any day of the week and tend to expect an immediate reply.
Solution #18
I think it's up to the teacher whether or not they want parents to have their number. To some teachers its an easier way to reach them and contact them.
Solution #19
I personally would only do it if I knew that the parent was not going to abuse it. I would say around 6 pm is a good cutoff time unless it is an emergency.
Solution #20
Parents having teachers personal phone number is not the issue, this happens all the time, but the issue comes when the conservations extend more then professional and strictly about school and the student.