Safety Patrols

In my 5th grade internship we frequently have students who are safety patrols come late to class. My CT has asked students to leave their post earlier to get to class on time, but the issue has not gotten any better. What are some next steps to take to work on this issue?

Solution #1
Top Solution
There is always teachers who oversee the safety patrol. I would go to them and let them know the situation and that the students need to leave their posts a little early so it doesn't interfere with instruction time. I would also let the students know you talked to the person who oversees the program. Let the students know they need to leave their patrols early. Let them know they should not get to class late anymore and if they do they could loose the prevliage of being on safety patrol. I would tell them responsible students are picked for safety patrol so you expect responsible behavior.

I think this is the best course of action because of all the communication that is involved and everyone will be on the same page by the end.

I think that this is exactly what needs to be done to resolve the issue.

I agree with this solution

I think this is the best solution.

Going straight to the source that oversees all actions concerning the Safety Patrol program is the best option to get all students on the same page. I agree that reasoning with the students as well is a good idea.

Solution #2
I would say to give the student either a timer for when they need to get to class, but if the problem continues then that student no longer needs to be put on patrol duty and it will be given to another student.
Solution #3
Go to the teacher who oversees all the safety patrols and have them tell the students to get to class earlier. Many safety patrols think they can be late after the bell, but they can get their posts taken away from them if they don't follow the class/safety patrol rules.
Solution #4
I would let the teacher or administrator in charge of the safety patrol know of this issue and figure out a solution. It is possible this teacher can let the students leave earlier to get to class on time. Students in safety patrol are expected to be an example to the other students; therefore, they shouldn't be showing up late.

I think this is a great solution

Solution #5
Definitely go to the teacher in charge of the safety patrol to make them aware of the situation so it can be addressed. I would also keep a log for the safety students to log in and the times they come in to with their signature.This will help you be able to track the late students and also hold them accountable helping them to understand that they are being tracked. This way of it continues you can bring it to the teacher in charge to take charge and correct the situation. This might correct the situation on its own.
Solution #6
Speak to the teacher who is in charge of the safety patrols about having students leave their posts early enough to make it to class on time. I would pull those students who are safety patrols into a small group meeting and explain to them that you talked to the teacher who oversees them. Responsible students are expected to be on time to class.
Solution #7
Talking to the teacher or faculty member in charge of safety patrol should be your first step. If you communicate to them that it is important for the students to be back on time, they should respond positively.
Solution #8
I would bring the issue up to the teacher who is in charge of the safety patrols. That way, they can hold a meeting and address all of the patrols at once or pull those students individually. If needed, that teacher can also contact parents or tell their regular classroom teacher as well and consequences can be given.
Solution #9
Give positive reinforcement to students who get to class early or on time!
Solution #10
Most of the time, the tardiness of safety patrol is excused. If it is excessive I would address the person in charge of the program.
Solution #11
Remind the student that it is a privilege not a right to be a safety patrol. Step 1 Remind the students of the safety patrol rules and procedures. Step 2 Create a award system for every time the student is on time to class. Instead of enforcing the negative behavior with a negative outcome.
Solution #12
I would communicate with the teachers in charge of the safety patrol and see if they can help with the issue. Baring that, speak with your CT and see if you may walk the students to class to help them arrive on time.
Solution #13
They need to know that there are consequences if they are not doing their job properly which includes being on time. They need to be aware that if they continue to be late they not be able to participate in safety patrols. Being late every time is not acceptable and hopefully once they realize that there are consequences they will fix the behavior and not let it happen again.
Solution #14
switch the students who are the safety officers
Solution #15
The teacher should not see this to be a problem as they have elected and signed permission for these students to participate in this duty. It would be sad for the teacher to remove these students from safety patrol, unless they see it is an affect to their grades.