Parent Wants Child Mainstreamed 100%

In my high school ESE internship, I have a student who has an intellectual disability. His parent does not believe it is severe enough for him to be in a classroom with "those other kids" - other students who also have intellectual disabilities. He most definitely needs to be in there for some class periods because of his accommodations, modifications, and testing scores, but the parent disagrees and wants him in 100% gen ed classes.

The parent also will not allow the child to participate in certain fun Friday activities like special Olympic bowling because he "shouldn't miss academic class time" and he does not want his child to always be surrounded by "those other kids" - other students who also have intellectual disabilities.

How do I help the student feel included in class while also not allowing him to attend certain activities, and how do I explain to the parent per the student's IEP, he needs to be in a special education classroom for some subjects?

Solution #1
I would do a parent-teacher conference to explain why the student needs special education services. Some parents are concerned with the stigma of special needs services and disabilities due to misconceptions or even culture. Some cultures find talking about disabilities is shameful. Maybe suggest that the student try one special education class in the day or have an assistant in the classroom for extra help.
Solution #2
A solution to the student needing to be in a special education classroom part time would be to bring up the facts about their students test scores, accommodation and modification lists during or a set up meeting with the parents. Inform them of the benefits that comes from a special education classroom like being there helps students to develop stronger skills in specific subject areas. Just like students without disabilities need to be around students with disabilities students with disabilities students need to be around students with disabilities. As for including him in fun Friday I would give him assign him a job that way he has to be there and it will help him to feel as though he is apart of the fun too.
Solution #3
That would be something to talk with the student case manager about. is there a higher level class that is still self contained. There are many options that can help both the student and possibly help the parent to see the growth the student is gaining by being where s/he is at. The parent just wants what is best for their child.