The student has been absent a lot recently. The parents do not explain the absences to you. As time continues the students ability to gain and retain what is being thought is slipping. What would be some strategies to help student not to slip so much?
I really like your solution! It seems well thought out and affective.
Great solution! I also agree that a parent teacher conference would be very beneficial to solving the problem at hand.
This is a great idea and it would probably work.
If the students isn't coming to school at all then I don't see how they would be able to come earlier or stay later.
I think finding extra time with the student would be difficult but talking to them during class is a good start.
you could also get admin involved if it becomes serious.
I like your solution, it’s simple but makes sense.
I don't think that the student can control if and when they come to school.
The student has little control over their attendance, unless they are of driving age.