
The student has been absent a lot recently. The parents do not explain the absences to you. As time continues the students ability to gain and retain what is being thought is slipping. What would be some strategies to help student not to slip so much?

Solution #1
Top Solution
If the student is absent a lot, I would hold a parent-teacher conference to see why the student is gone from class. It may be because of a medical condition or an emergency in the family. If they continue to be absent, it would be best to talk to administration. If it is a medical condition, there are accommodations that could be made, like sending homework home and printing out powerpoints so the student does not miss out on anything.

I really like your solution! It seems well thought out and affective.

Great solution! I also agree that a parent teacher conference would be very beneficial to solving the problem at hand.

This is a great idea and it would probably work.

Solution #2
I would talk to the student in private and discuss what is going on. If that does not work, I would then reach out to the parents and request an after school meeting. Another thing you could do to help the student is have them come into your room before or after school and find ways to help them be successful during the school day.

If the students isn't coming to school at all then I don't see how they would be able to come earlier or stay later.

I think finding extra time with the student would be difficult but talking to them during class is a good start.

you could also get admin involved if it becomes serious.

Solution #3
I would have a private conversation with the student to see what is going and have a parent teacher conference.

I like your solution, it’s simple but makes sense.

Solution #4
The first step is to find out with thorough communication, what is most likely causing this issue of absence. I would then establish a virtual hub for students to find the material that they missed so that they can take control on their own to keep up when they are unable to make it to school.
Solution #5
Make contact with the parent. Express your concern for their absence and the reason behind it. Express that they seem to be falling behind due to these absences.
Solution #6
First try reaching out to the parent. You can tell the student what they can do at home and also try telling the parent. If this continues get admin involved.
Solution #7
I think scheduling a conference with the parent and administrators to see what is going on would be a great way to solve the issue. The teacher would be informed, as would the administration, and a solution to being present more in class could be discussed.
Solution #8
I would talk to the student privately and maybe ask for a parent teacher conference to get all sides. I would offer my support in after school or before school tutoring. If the reasoning for the absences requires help form a different professional, I would help the family get those resources.
Solution #9
I would have a parent-teacher conference to try to find out why the student has been absent some much. Also, try to come up with a plan to get the student back on track.
Solution #10
This is a very tough one as if there is not much from the parents it can make it difficult to address the situation. Trying to schedule a parent teacher adminstration conference would be a great way to work this through. I would start with asking the student a few questions as well and just seeing where they have been.
Solution #11
I would make contact with my Assistant Principal so that they could place a request for services. A representative of the school system will go out to the home or location the family has documented as their residence. If resources are needed, they will be the there to start the process. Homelessness, parents wit mental health issues or neglect are a few things to rule out.
Solution #12
Give the student incentives to come to school. Obviously, the parents are not willing to elaborate why the student is missing class. So give the student a reward for coming to class consistently.

I don't think that the student can control if and when they come to school.

The student has little control over their attendance, unless they are of driving age.