
You notice your kindergarten student taking money off your desk. You talk to the student and why it is wrong to steal. What do you think the parents should do to support you as the teacher?

Solution #1
I would let the parents know about the issue and maybe ask them to support you by having the same talk with the student. Maybe in the classroom you can read a book to the students about stealing and why it is wrong.

I would ask the parents to come in for a parent-teacher conference. It is important that the student learns that stealing is bad. Maybe keep your purse in a safe place. I know that some classrooms come with a little room where valuables can be locked up. The parents should help teach their child to not steal and enforce consequences if it continues to happen.

The book about stealing is a great idea to communicate the message to the student indirectly. Also, for the other students who may know that the student is stealing and think it is okay for them to do it as well.

Solution #2
It's important that you document every instance of stealing that you find for your personal records. Notify the parents through a conference to discuss the situation. Also, always keep money and personal items locked away and out of reach of students.
Solution #3
The incident should be addressed at home. This should also open up a line of communication between you and the parents. If similar incidents continue, you should be able to speak to the parents about it. There may have to be certain parameters set in the classroom to help the student learn not to take belongings.

I think this is a great solution and as well as not having belongings like that out.

Solution #4
By emphasizing the value of honesty at home, establishing firm expectations for behavior, and promoting open communication between school and home, parents can help to reinforce the lesson.
Solution #5
I suggest setting up a meeting with the parents and the student. They need to understand that stealing is not okay or permitted in the classroom. I suggest that you keep your purse or anything valuable somewhere safe and locked.
Solution #6
This is a wonderful teaching moment. If this is an elementary school grade, I would immediately tie this into my social studies lesson and read a book or watch a video about honesty and respect. This will not openly embarrass the student, but may give them an opportunity to see the correct way to behave as opposed to just being reprimanded for their bad behavior. Some students do not respond to "parent calls" and the behavior persists.
Solution #7
I would suggest teaching why is is wrong to steal. I would also talk to the students and find out the reason behind why they took the Money.
Solution #8
I would communicate with the parents. If it is a behavioral issue, they might be able to help. If it is a matter of financial need, perhaps either the parents can cover it, or you can discuss resources to get the child what they need, be it food/snacks or something else.
Solution #9
I would set up a parent teacher conference. Most children go through a stealing phase and this usually stops when they are caught and/or called out.
Solution #10
I would definitely ask the parents to have a talk with their child. Of course, while stealing is bad, the student just may not quite understand the concept of stealing. I would sit them down as well and have a talk with them. I wouldn't get angry or raise my voice, just make it clear that stealing is wrong and that they could get in a lot of trouble for it later on.
Solution #11
I would speak with the students' parents, we would do this through a parent-teacher conference. I would use this time to tell the parents to remind the student about appropriate and inappropriate behaviors in the classroom and the importance of why stealing is not acceptable in any way.
Solution #12
You should contact the parents and let them know the situation. Collaborate to find a way to control the situation at home and at school.
Solution #13
If it is a repeated offense I would talk to parents to let them know the situation and for them to support your lessons on stealing.
Solution #14
Kindergarten students are learning about right and wrong. Talk about honesty and that means not to take money from other people's belongings. let the parents know though.
Solution #15
The parents should reinforce that stealing is not right to their child. Hopefully being talked to by both the teacher and parent will help the behaviors cease. It is very important for the teacher and parent to be on the same page about something like this.
Solution #16
Also tell them not to steal from people
Solution #17
The parents should talk to the student and discipline in their own way. But if the behavior continues then you should get higher administration involved and conference them in with the parents and yourself.