Zoom Meetings

I am currently interning online because of Covid-19. My internship is on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s. I join seven to eight zoom meetings within these two days a week. My cooperating teacher recently asked me to join these zoom meetings on Friday’s as well. I normally would not mind, however, I take care of my grandma on Friday’s as she needs assistance.

How should I go about telling my cooperating teacher I cannot join the extra meetings?

Solution #1
I would let her know (in the nicest way possible) that you have other obligations on those days. In these internships it can be easy to get taken advantage of because these teachers truly do need all the help they can get, Although, this is not our full time job neither do we get paid for this and we do need to find other sources of income during this internship. I feel as though your CT should fully understand this situation.

I like how you emphasized boldness in communication.

Solution #2
I think it is just important to be honest. I have a job outside of the internship as well and I have had to talk to my boss about the internship. People are usually understanding about scheduling.
Solution #3
It is important to be honest and tell her that you have prior engagements. You do not have to tell her what they are unless you feel comfortable telling your CT.
Solution #4
Be honest. If it is your tendency to be willing to work, your cooperating teacher should see that and won't fault you for that. I think that setting that boundary is the responsible thing to do.
Solution #5
I would tell your CT about your weekly schedule any ways. This allows them to know your responsibilities outside of interning. I am in the an internship right now as well, so I get it. I think telling her about your obligations with your grandmother would be a great way to discuss it. She may not know you're busy or might want you to join for a specific reason.
Solution #6
Be honest and open with her in a positive way. Most cooperating teachers are very understanding and will work with you as best they can.
Solution #7
The CT should understand. I think that in today's world we are starting to understand that there are boundaries with the work/home life. I would let them know why and draw the line on what you can and cannot do. Do this early and there should not be any problems.
Solution #8
Effective communication is key, just be honest. Most of the time they are understanding, maybe ask if there is another time you could do the zoom meetings.
Solution #9
I found it very important to be upfront and honest with my cooperating teachers, they know we have outside lives and jobs just as they do. Tell them your situation and maybe if you can, find another day to join extra meetings on a different day that works best for both of you.
Solution #10
You should explain to her and set boundaries, it is not your responsibility to adjust your calendar to time you requested off.
Solution #11
Just be upfront with your CT, tell her you have engagements outside of your internship because your internship is only required for the two days. I'd say join if you could but don't put yourself out of the way if you don't have to
Solution #12
I would let the cooperating teacher know that you have prior responsibilities and that you cannot join these zoom meetings, I would also try telling them the reason why you cannot join so that they know that there is a reason.
Solution #13
I would let the cooperating teacher know that you have prior responsibilities and that you cannot join these zoom meetings, I would also try telling them the reason why you cannot join so that they know that there is a reason.
Solution #14
I would just be honest and let her know that you are unfortunately not available because you have to take care of your grandmother. The teacher should be understanding. If she's not, I would maybe get administration involved too.
Solution #15
In this situation, your internship only requires for you to be on the zoom meetings for two days. I feel as if you should straight up tell the teacher that you are unable to come onto the zoom meetings on Friday's because you have made obligations to helping your grandma every Friday and cannot miss a day.
Solution #16
Communication goes a long way. Just talk to her about it