COVID-19 Problems

With the era of COVID-19 happening, I have had students in my internship make jokes about the coronavirus. If one student coughs or sneezes, a few of the other students starts poking fun at the student saying that they have the virus and to stay away from that person. What do you do in a situation that involves a serious sickness like this?

Solution #1
This situation is new to all of us and we have all had to make some big adjustments in our teachings. I think general education about the corona virus, who it affects, how it works, and why it is a serious problem may be very helpful for your students. You may also want to go over classroom rules and expectations that coincide with your schools and the districts antibullying policy.
Solution #2
I would use these comments as a learning opportunity. Show students a video on YouTube, appropriate for their age level, that educates them on the seriousness of the Coronavirus. You can even make a whole lesson out of it, including an activity, just to ensure students understand that COVID-19 is not a joking matter.

I agree, showing the students a video that explains COVID to them more and the serious effects it has. Students aren't totally aware right now about how serious COVID actually is and that's why they may seem to make jokes out of it.

Solution #3
I currently work at a school and my students tend to do the same thing. I try to go discuss with them how serious the virus is and how it's not something to joke about. Showing a video or visuals would definitely help the students understand better.
Solution #4
Most students will use humor to get passed these rough times. We are in pretty unfamiliar territory, so it's not uncommon. I think you should go over that this sickness is very serious and should not be made fun of. If they any funny comments they want to say, they can write it down and throw it away at the end of class.
Solution #5
I think in this case, it is the responsibility of either you or your CT to educate students about the coronavirus, as it is just as new to students as it is to us preservice and in-service teachers. They need to understand not only how serious COVID-19 is, but also how disruptive it is to the learning environment to poke fun at students in this way. I would also suggest going over some netiquette and anti-bullying policies. You could possibly do an activity for either or both of these tasks.
Solution #6
You can explain to the class that covid is serious and not a joke. You can also warn them that if they continue to disrespect the illness and what it entails they will face consequences.
Solution #7
Stop and TEACH A LESSON ADDRESSING THIS ISSUE. I would stop and teach a lesson about covid 19. I would explain also about a family member's death due to covid 19. I think that as kids you want to make fun of the world and laugh off the seriousness of the state of reality, however, bringing it home close to me as their teacher, I think would make them to realize that many people died and it was not something to laugh and make fun of.
Solution #8
Have a classroom conversation. You should discuss the seriousness of the virus with the students. Also, remind them that it is new to everyone.
Solution #9
Sometimes jokes are just jokes, but everything can be used as a life lesson. You can make an activity or learning lesson about COVID-19 for students to watch or read about- and maybe even participate in the lesson. This can also help give information on why we need masks on in the classroom as well.
Solution #10
Use the moment to educate the students, while also being aware to discourage the bullying type behavior. Perhaps suggest that as long as you are all wearing your masks, and that you stay 6 feet apart, there is no need to make fun of or avoid the student.If the behavior continues, I would pull the students aside and tell them that it is a serious matter and that while their spirit is in the right place of wanting to avoid the illness, that being rude and mean does not help anyone.
Solution #11
Having a serious conversation with your class and explaining to them how serious this is and how it's affecting everyone. Maybe have an open discussion so students can express how they are feeling and get everyone on the same page.
Solution #12
I would remind students that COVID-19 is not a joking matter. I would remind them of our classroom expectations of how to treat one another.
Solution #13
I would recommended setting the classroom expectations for the students in this scenario. It is important that the the students are safe and healthy first. Then, this is a new thing that is happening in this world, and the students should not make fun of another students health.
Solution #14
This may be resolved by educating them on COVID, with it being so new and unknown to all of us. Show them that you are learning beside them and it is no joke. Review the safety precautions, and the classroom rules about bullying that it will not be tolerated.
Solution #15
One thing to remember is students this young are just used to this kind of life. It is our job as the adults in the situation to just remind them of the gravity of this situation. I don't believe punishment is the best choice, but we should remind them what is happening and how they are making people feel.
Solution #16
I would have a discussion with the students so they can understand the seriousness of the situation with the ongoing pandemic. I am currently an intern at a high school and my cooperating teacher has had to talk with her students about this. What she said really got to them and made them realize this is not a joke and that they need to do their part to help protect themselves, their peers, and the faculty. It is not an easy topic but it is something that should be discussed so students can understand it better.
Solution #17
As the teacher, I would set a time aside during class to educate students about the coronavirus. I would allow some time for questions and a short class discussion. This would help students become knowledgeable of the topic. I would also ensure to remind students that it is important to make our peers feel safe and comfortable, especially with everything going on.
Solution #18
I would remind them that just because someone sneezes or cough does not mean they have the virus. Ask them how they would feel if they did have it. If these are interns poking fun at a world wide pandemic, they needs some serious growing up and to educate themselves. If the kids see and hear them they will pick up on these talk and actions as well.
Solution #19
I would actually go over how serious this virus is and it is not funny to poke fun at students because there is people that actually have it.
Solution #20
Students are expected to not make jokes about various emergency situations. Although new, this could be considered similar. Addressing the concern by comparing the "joking" to that of a real emergency might make it clearer to them as being unacceptable.
Solution #21
I would make the comparison to other diseases or sickness such a cancer in a very cautious and delicate way explain that if a students had cancer or another illness we wouldn't make remarks about their illness if they coughed or had any other outward symptoms and this should be treated the same way because this is an illness and people have died because of it. Taking into consideration age and level of students you could use this example to hopefully stop to comments.
Solution #22
Doing a lesson on community and how to treat others.
Solution #23
Talk to your students about respect