Virtual Learning & Inappropriate Behavior

The teacher is required to teach both in-person students and virtual students at the same time. Students online are required to keep their mic OFF (unless asking a question or responding to a question) and cameras OFF at all times. One Virtual student decided to keep their Mic ON while going to the bathroom. Disrupting the class with the noises of them using the bathroom. They also decided to say "Sorry, you have to hear me pee, I couldn't hold it anymore". The following week the student used offensive language to answer a question. Both times the teacher kicked the student out of the virtual classroom.

Was this the right solution? How does a teacher handle these new behavior issues that come with virtual learning?

Solution #1
I am only an intern, so I'm not entirely comfortable with saying whether or not the teacher made the right decision. However, based on the examples you've given, it seems that the student might be purposely doing these things in order to get kicked out of the virtual classroom. By doing just that, the teacher encourages this behavior to continue so the student can continue to get the desired reaction. I would take the student into a breakout room and speak with them one-on-one about the inappropriate behavior and explain to the student why respect for classmates and the teacher is so important. If this does not achieve the desired result, a parent-teacher conference with the student present might give more insight as to why the student is acting this way.
Solution #2
I think that at some point the teacher needed tout her foot down and not allow that behavior to be tolerated. Nor should she allow the the other students to think that behavior is ok. She definitely needs to reach out to the parents or her principal and address this right away before it worsens.
Solution #3
I'm conflicted. I understand the need for the teacher to remove the student from the classroom, but I don't think this should have been the only action taken by the teacher. What if while the teacher was teaching the in-person students and didn't have a proper view of the virtual students a virtual student turns their video on and shows something inappropriate. That would be a very hard situation to handle and explain to the administration. However, it does seem as though this student is trying to just be funny, but I think it's too much for a teacher in this situation to handle on his/her own. Virtual Teaching while simultaneously in-person teaching students is asking A LOT from any teacher. It really puts the teachers in a bad position to properly manage the students while effectively teaching all students. Hopefully, the teacher has already had a one-on-one conversation with this student about appropriate behavior when learning virtually. If the teacher has done this and things are still happening it's time to get the parents involved in helping mitigate the issues the student is causing. If that fails the administration needs to get involved and maybe virtual this type of virtual teaching isn't suitable for a student that displays so many behavioral issues.

I agree that this issue is too much for the teacher alone and administration needs to get involved.

Solution #4
I do not feel like the teacher should have kicked the student out of the virtual classroom: however, I do understand the frustration. I believe there is an option for the teacher to mute specific students, but that is not a preferred approach nor will it address the problem. I would first have students interact with an online lesson/activity where they can learn and practice appropriate behavior when learning online. I would then warn any students who are not following online learning expectations, either in the moment or after school via phone call, facetime, email, etc. If it still continues to be a problem, I would notify the parents.
Solution #5
I do not think kicking the student out of the virtual class setting would have been the best solution. Since this was the same student acting inappropriately and having bad behavior, then I would have set some time aside outside of our class to talk to the student virtually. I would also be informing the parents to keep in mind what is and what is not appropriate and that when your mic is on the entire class can hear you. I think kicking him off the class, could lead to him acting out once he logs in again. Remember this is not a battle, more of a discussion that needs to be handled appropriately with communication. Let the student know the consequences of their behavior.
Solution #6
I do not feel that removing the student entirely from the virtual classroom was the best form of action to take. The teacher could set some time apart with the student to speak, they could do this in a break out room. During this time, the teacher can go over behavior that is appropriate and behavior that is not appropriate while attending class. This would help set expectations to the student. Then after this, the teacher could provide a friendly reminder to the entire class about class expectations.
Solution #7
This is a situation where the parents need to be involved.
Solution #8
I feel that for inappropriate language or a violation of school rules should merit the teacher to kick the student out of the teams meeting. But leaving the mic on the teacher can easily mute that student and ask them to virtually raise their hand to speak when needed.
Solution #9
I personally do not think this is the best solution to the issue, as kicking the student out is likely giving them the negative attention they seem to be seeking. In the case that the student is acting out in order to be kicked out, the teacher is further reinforcing these behavior issues. However, it is important to publicly address them so that other students know that the teacher is serious about not tolerating them. With that being said, I would first mute the individual student immediately, speak with the entire class about virtual expectations and netiquette next, and then later speak with the student individually about the incident. That way, all students get a refresher while this individual student does not get any negative nor positive attention. If none of this is effective, I would speak to the parent or guardian about the behavior.
Solution #10
I think the teacher was right for kicking the student out of the virtual class for inappropriate behavior. I also believe that the teacher should have the power to mute student’s mic with admin abilities in order to prevent this from happening further. The teacher should also notify the principle and the students parents on the behavior.
Solution #11
I feel like the teacher did the right thing when kicking the students out of meeting. I would also have an individual meetings with those students to ensure they understand what is expected during an online meeting. Explain to them that if they continue to act this way they will be kicked out of the meeting. The teacher could also make attendance a part of their grade.