Parent problems

In the eLearning world, we are all still trying to figure it out. I have tried many ways to communicate with parents, provide many ways to teach material, differentiate instruction, and provide audio recordings of instructions when the students are doing independent activities. One parent gets angry almost every day usually about the work being too much, or too hard, or not enough instructions. I want to work with this parent to make sure they are happy and feel like they are being heard, however I am running out of ideas and strategies to try to make this happen. I wanted to know what eLearning strategies you all have used, and or, ways of talking to this parent to resolve the daily issues.

Solution #1
I think this is a very relevant and timely dilemma. You don't mention what grade you teach so assuming your students are young, you may try speaking to this parent to see what they think they need in order to support their child at home. While you won't be able to please everyone and this parent's request may not be feasible, it may give them a feeling of control. They may feel like you're hearing their concerns and trying to meet them halfway.
Solution #2
I think this is a great question as I too am going through this with some parents in my virtual class. The parents feel as though they need to take control and understand everything that is going on. I'm not sure what grade you are referring to here but I am in a first grade class, so they aren't computer techs to say the least but let me tell you when they really do understand a lot about the virtual world. Coming into this It was a struggle at first to teach them but now they all have it under control. Where I'm going with this is that the students know a lot more than you think they do and the probably more than their parents at this point. The parents are just that, parents. They observe their students during class if they want but besides that they shouldn't be getting angry at the teacher. Their child has always been in a classroom with their teacher for 7 hours a day and 5 days a week and where was the parent then? sorry but this needs to be a problem that is addressed. If the student is struggling then get them in touch with the tech center but there is no reason why the parent should be getting angry with you. Let this be between the student (if she or he) is struggling and the teacher.

I do not agree with it just being between the student and teacher. Especially in younger grades parents need to be involved with the online work.

Solution #3
I would email the parent and ask where the struggle is occurring and see if you can work with the parent on a possible solution.