I am an intern in an elementary school classroom with students in person and online. The students in the classroom have no problem participating, but the online students rarely do. No matter how the teacher or I ask a question, the online students will not answer (yes/no, cold-calling, etc.). We are not allowed to require them to turn on their camera or microphone either. The teacher has reached out to the parents about it as well but this has not worked. How do you get the students online to participate in the lessons and activities?
I am an intern as well and last semester I had my internship virtually. My CT and I did something similar where she would have them show their work or submit it online somehow and then give them participate grade for doing their classwork.
I am an intern and last semester when I had my internship virtually my CT provided students with a participate grade so, they were motivated to do their classwork.
I think this is a great solution to help motivate students!