Difficult mom

Mom comes to class right before class is to start. She starts to complain that her son does not have good grades in class. She has refused to email me back but then shows up at class door. She explains that her son was a football practice and that is why he cannot study and complete assessments.

Solution #1
I would explain my attempts to reach out, and maybe try and arrange a meeting in which you can, collectively, come up with a success plan for the student?
Solution #2
I think you should explain that you would be happy to discuss her child's academics but seeing as how you are about to begin teaching, you would like to schedule a meeting. I'm not sure how you explain priorities to a parent.. You may also want to show her your grade book and how you came upon the child's grade.
Solution #3
Football practice is 1-2 hours max. That is no excuse for a student not to do homework. Have the administration step in and explain to the parent that this is unacceptable behavior.
Solution #4
I would let her know of your attempts and then show her son's work. Make sure you make a note of everytime you reach out.
Solution #5
Setting clear boundaries with the mom when she shows up would be very important. You need to explain to her that football is a privlage and should come second because he cant play football if he's not passing school in the first place.
Solution #6
I would speak directly with the student alone. There may be something else that is keeping him from finishing his work.
Solution #7
I would ask her if she would like to set up a meeting to discuss further of how we can try to raise your child's grades. And maybe mention him going to a tutor on the weekends if he does not have time during the week.
Solution #8
I would ask her if she would like to set up a meeting to discuss further of how we can try to raise your child's grades. And maybe mention him going to a tutor on the weekends if he does not have time during the week.
Solution #9
I would recommend setting boundaries with the parent and respectfully letting her know that she should reach out to you and set up a meeting rather than showing up before class. I always thought that parents weren't allowed to walk into a school without an appointment with a teacher, maybe talk to administration about the situation.
Solution #10
I would set clear boundaries with the mom but explain that you have tried to reach out and would love to set up a time to meet. I might also consider having someone else in the room either another teacher or someone part of the administration to be on the safe side.
Solution #11
I would make it known that I had tried to reach out to her and there was no response. Then I would try to deescalate the situation and make it known to her that football practice is not a reason for her student to not complete their work.
Solution #12
If you explain her son can not play sports if he is not passing, and also that you can help tutor him if he creates the time.

Taking away something a students loves if they’re struggling is not the best tactic.