No email response

I have emailed parent many times about the student being bullied. The parent does not respond to email but then shows up in front office demanding a meeting with teacher and principal.

Solution #1
Top Solution
I would meet with the parent, show them the emails you have tried sending and ask if there is a more effective way you could communicate with them. It is possible they rarely check their emails.

I think this is a good idea to help the problem.

This is an amazing idea. I think it addresses the problem and gives you a better method of communication with the students parents.

Solution #2
First, I would make sure that you are in contact with the principal about the situation if the bullying problem is ongoing. Also, when the parent comes to the school, I would make time to meet with them and ask if there if is a more preferred contact method than e-mail. If the parent only wants to meet in person, I would set up a conference for a more appropriate time. I would take charge of the situation quickly, so that the everyone is aware and working on handling the situation.

"I would take charge of the situation quickly, …" Great point!

I like the points you made to get the situation handled.

I like the point you made about the teacher keeping the principal and administrators up to date4 on everything that has gone on.

Solution #3
Be confident that you were doing the right thing. Show the evidence that you sent the emails on specific dates and then just find a solution of the best way to communicate. Maybe send a form home for parents to fill out the best ways to reach them.

This is a great solution, that resolves the problem easily and in an effective manner.

Solution #4
You should call the parents directly and set up a time to meet. If not you can call their work and see if you get lucky. Parents are such an important piece for students to succeed and trying all the possible ways to get a hold of them must be done.
Solution #5
I would make sure to keep copies of emails to show the principal, maybe try calling the parents to see if they are receiving the emails? It is possible that they might not check their email regularly.
Solution #6
You reached out to the parent about your concerns. Short of calling home, what else could you have done? I think you should go into that meeting with confidence that you did your job. Work towards a solution for a better form of contact so that this doesn't happen again.
Solution #7
I think sitting down and speaking with the parent would be extremely beneficial for both sides. I think evaluating the situation together and explaining that you have been trying to reach out, then coming up with a better way to communicate together is an easy resolution.
Solution #8
I would calmly tell the parent that you have emailed them several times, show receipts of the emails and ask the parent is there another way to reach them as email is not working. Apologize for the inconvenience and the misunderstanding and reassure the parent that you are looking out for the best interests of the child.
Solution #9
I would go through with the meeting that the parents are requesting and show them the multiple emails you've sent regarding the issue. After, I would try to come up with a solution/solutions to get the issue resolved appropriately and efficiently.
Solution #10
I would keep a record of all emails that have been sent to the parent with days/times. If they continue to not respond I would also double check that the email is correct. I would then try to get their phone number for the office and attempt to call them instead. If that doesn't work either, send a not home with the student to give to their parent. Keep a record of every form of communication you have tried to use as well as when you used it.
Solution #11
I would meet with the parent and ask them what is the best way to communicate with them about important issues regarding the student and their child's success in the classroom.
Solution #12
Follow through with the meeting and state your case to why they need to be more aware
Solution #13
Talk to the student and see how the situation at home is like
Solution #14
Make sure you confirm the right email address and fix that
Solution #15
Help them with their problems with communication
Solution #16
Talk to the family but make sure they acknowledge the emails
Solution #17
Listen to their situation to see if they had a reason
Solution #18
I may have suggested to resorting to different methods such as calling the parent because maybe they didn't have access to their email. Explain to the parent that they can schedule a meeting time but now is not appropriate.
Solution #19
I would suggest calling the parent. Just one or two calls a day just in case they don't answer. It's very possible the parent is not checking their emails regularly or the emails might be going to spam folders and they just don't see them
Solution #20
I would sit down with the parent, show the emails, ask if we have the right email. I also would have called the parent after the second email went unanswered. Checking that the parent was even receiving the emails is imperative to the student.