When transitioning going back inside from recess, kids are lingering not really listening when I tell them to clean up. From this, we keep getting back to class a minute or two late from the students picking up the things. What can I do to minimize this situation?
If I were in this situation, I would exactly do this.
I love the idea of giving students jobs.
If I were in this situation, I would exactly do this.
I don't agree with punishments that waist time as a response to teaching the importance of being on time.
I like how you mentioned rewarding good behavior!
Yes, you could create a tally system where if they are efficient they get a tally and then after so many could get a reward.
Setting a timer and making clean up time into a game would be fun as well, as long as they are safe during it.
I like this because it takes away a little of what they care about.
Good incentive idea.