ADHD Student with EBD behaviors

A student in my ASD unit has ADHD with no medication. His aggressive behaviors are frequent, with more than a 10-minute duration, and can be directed towards students and staff. He will elope without an antecedent, and will not reason. Currently, he is using a working for board with the potential to earn 5 stars for an entire school day.

Solution #1
I have a student very similar to this, we use a star board with them and a first/then board for activities and rewards. In regards to their eloping, we have integrated that into their rewards. They can sit outside in the hallway for their break time or as reward for completing tasks.

I love the idea of integrating the elopement into a reward.

Solution #2
I think having a corner where he or even anyone in the class can go to and take a brain break may help. Creating a reward system with just you and that student can help them take some responsibility and can help curb some of those behaviors.

I think a safe space in the classroom to step away would be a great solution to this problem.

Solution #3
I also have a student like this. My CT currently uses a behavior stamp chart that is used every 10 minutes. At the end of instruction, if they earn a certain amount of stamps then they will be rewarded with something at the end of class.
Solution #4
This student needs to follow a strict schedule or daily plan. If the student follows this plan in a checklist form, he will reduce the chance of getting distracted from others which can reduce a students anger.

I don't think that creating and enforcing more rules will help this student. More likely it will push them further away.