Treasure Box

Should students still earn treasure box on Fridays, if they had 1-2 bad days during the week? If the behavior sheets for the day ranged from Excellent, Satisfactory, Needs Improvement, to Unsatisfactory, this would mean that the student received 1-2 days in the "Needs Improvement" or "Unsatisfactory" levels of behavior.

Solution #1
Top Solution
I think it would depend on why they had 1-2 days that were 'bad', it would be situational and the teacher would have to make judgment on whether those two days outweigh the other days of the week. It could also be good to consider a different method for earning treasure box such as dollars or stickers. A student would need X number of things to receive/purchase something from the box, which they can earn for good behavior and completing certain tasks. This method makes it so that a student's whole day is not considered bad!

I like this idea, this will also get them familiar with earning, saving, and spending money.

I like this solution, students will also learn the value of currency.

Solution #2
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #3
I believe this depends on the student and the grade level. If it is continued throughout each week, then I would take away treasure box for that week. However, if it is just a bad week for them, I do not believe you need to take away the reward for the other 3 days where thier behavior was satisfactory.
Solution #4
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #5
If the students had a bad day at all during the week, they should not receive the prize that is award good behavior and performance, because acting negatively at all should not Be rewarded.
Solution #6
I suggest using tickets or coins that way on Friday the students with enough tickets can participate. This will also teach the students about currency and saving.
Solution #7
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #8
I think it would really depend on many things, such as did they fix their behavior, did they have an off day, and what did they do?
Solution #9
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #10
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #11
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #12
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #13
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #14
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #15
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #16
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #17
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #18
You should definitely follow your pre-existing classroom management plan. If you have a rule that if the student does not meet expectations up to 2 days during the week they dont get treasure box, then I would say they shouldn't get it. Personally, if I was doing this classroom management style, I would have a 3 day max. If the student misbehaves 3/5 days of the week, they should not be able to get treasure box. Good luck!
Solution #19
I think there should be an agreement with students as to how many "bad days" a week they are allowed to have in order to still receive treasure box on Fridays.
Solution #20
I personally keep the maximum amount of days to three days. Three or more bad days and no treasure box.
Solution #21
This would be situational base. First we need to know what the behaviors are. Secondly there should be a tier system for the rewards this would’ve help if say the student had a good week but needs improvement, the student could get a smaller reward at the end of the week.
Solution #22
I think it depends on the student, what their "bad" behaviors normally are and if their bad day was still an improvement or not. That's something that can be tricky about treasure box, because it can be hard to personalize it for each student since every child has different levels of behavior
Solution #23
I think that it all depends on the severity of their behavior. They could still get treasure box if their misbehaviors stopped and they made improvements.
Solution #24
I think this should definitely be up to the situations and the teacher. If the behaviors are constant, then I say that the students should have to sit out. However, if the behaviors were situational, just revisit with discretion.
Solution #25
There could be differing levels for the treasures in the box based on range of behavior. A smaller or fewer number of incentives could be for the days that had more bad behavior occurrences.
Solution #26
I think it all depends more on the positive behavior for the treasure box or how high of expectations you have for it. For me, my expectation would be pretty high so only a couple would be able to get to it, so I would say 1-2 bad days wouldn't be deserving of it but like I said, it all depends on what your expectations are as far as what gets a excellent day.
Solution #27
I would say no. Students need to know that their behavior must be constant. Giving in when they have one or two bad days makes them think they can keep getting away with bad behavior and still be rewarded at the end of the week
Solution #28
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #29
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #30
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #31
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #32
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #33
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #34
I think students should have a whole week of good behavior to earn treasure box on Friday. In my class we do treasure box every day for the students who end the day at the top of the clip chart. Often there is only one student who earns the treasure box. In my class daily treasure box really does help motivate the students to keep up good behavior especially since we have not only toys, but candy options
Solution #35
If the student received any unsatisfactory days I think they should not receive treasure box that week. If the student had one Needs Improvement day then it should be acceptable. Having one off day should not determine your entire week but having multiple days with unsatisfactory or needs imporvement days warrant no treasure box.
Solution #36
In my classroom, if a student has a behavior sheet and achieves all excellently, they get to dive into the treasure box. The student who does not have a behavior sheet gets to dive into the treasure box on Friday. I add new and more desirable toys that morning.
Solution #37
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #38
With the treasure box, I would say it all depends on if the student has made an effort to correct and change the habits they exhibited on the days that they had bad days. For example, I work at an afterschool program and I reward the students on Fridays. We will put their names on the board if they push us enough but if I have seen that they has tried to turn their attitude around and start behaving badly, I am not going to punish them for having a off day.
Solution #39
I feel that it is subjective to the situation. I believe that two bad days does not make a bad kid, so they should still receive treasure box. In addition, you can still enforce consequences for misbehavior through the week.
Solution #40
This is a tough one. You want to avoid having the student act out for being punished with no treasure box, but you also can not reward bad behavior. I think what you need to do is focus on one rubric for the entire class. If ANYONE gets one Unsatisfactory day then no treasure chest. Students are allowed 1 Needs Improvement day per week to still be qualified for the treasure chest. So on and so forth.
Solution #41
Only students with a perfect week should receive a treasure. This will hopefully show the students who had bad days what they are missing out on and it will build their motivation to receive a treasure or reward.