Mocking teacher

There is a student that mocks her teacher when she tells her directions. She has never been caught but her classmates have brought this to the teachers attention. How should the teacher go about this?

Solution #1
Top Solution
I would first check with the student's other teachers, and maybe even send an e-mail to their parents. In order to keep it professional, you want to make sure it is actually happening and not just an over exaggeration on the students' part.
Solution #2
I would absolutely send an email or note home to the student's parents, but offer solutions and positive reinforcement to the student when they do what they want. Otherwise, giving them negative attention is still attention and could be what the student wants.
Solution #3
The teacher should have a talk with the student if the behavior continues that dismisses the class from the lesson at hand.
Solution #4
I would keep an eye out and see if you can catch the student in the act. If you do, I would contact the counselor, as well as contact the student's parents.
Solution #5
I would possibly consult with the students other teachers and see if this action is being done in their class. If you end up witnessing this I would also suggest ignoring the behavior. Reacting to such behavior will only halt the instruction you are giving to the rest of the students, once the student shows signs of returning to their normal functioning, you can praise them for returning to the task at hand. I’ve seen this done plenty of times in placement facilities.
Solution #6
This is something that is flagged and addressed after class ASAP. I will communicate to the student that this is disrespectful, and I will not allow this type of behavior to continue. The student will need to be informed of the consequences if this behavior continues.
Solution #7
I would wait until I actually see from my eyes that the student is mocking me before I handle the student.
Solution #8
I would try and observe the behavior myself before sending a letter home. This isn't a major problem, however, it is a behavior that needs to be corrected.
Solution #9
I would pull the student aside and have a discussion with them to understand what was going on. There could be a chance that the other students were exaggerating the student's behavior or the student could be going through something difficult in their life. It is important to approach this behavior in a non-threatening way so the student feels safe enough to be honest. If the student is using the mocking behaviors, I would discuss with them why it is not appropriate to act this way towards anyone, no matter how much they upset you.
Solution #10
You need to catch her yourself before taking any real action. Once you do, pull her aside as soon as it happens and explain to her why its disrespectful. Give her a concrete consequence for if it happens again.
Solution #11
Start by consulting with the other teachers to see if they face the same issue with that student. It takes a village!

I would also suggest contacting other teachers and staff to see if they are facing similar issues. Behavioral issues usually are not just towards one teacher.

Solution #12
You cannot rely on what other students say. if you arent hearing it, is it that big of a deal? Do not go out of your way to eves drop to see if you can catch the student mocking u