
I teach a learning strategies class to high schoolers and I don't assign homework. I let the students use the class as a study hall for half of the class. DO I have to start assigning homework?

Solution #1
I do not think you should start assigning homework but if they are not getting the material they should be I would start making assignment worth a grade. You could also do a point system in your class. So many students on task or having complete assignments will get an award. This could be more electronic time, or a free day or candy.
Solution #2
If the students are successful without homework, then do what works for your class. However, if the student's are not using the time wisely, I would casually assign homework overtime to make sure that they understand that this information is valuable.
Solution #3
Homework, according to Boaler's Mathematical Mindset, is not necessary. She actually suggests getting rid of it altogether. You never know what a students' home life is like, and homework can actually perpetuate inequity in the classroom. Maybe they have to assume the role of the parent when they get home, or they don't have internet access or other materials needed to complete the homework. If you review homework at the beginning of class, the inequities are magnified. Students may feel like they start the class already behind, which causes low morale and high stress.
Solution #4
I think you don't necessarily need to, learning strategies as a class can help apply it to their current homework situations- so assigning homework defeats your purpose when they can apply it in real-time as you serve half of the class as a study hall.
Solution #5
I would require them to just create some ideas on their own as homework
Solution #6
I don't think that every teacher needs to assign homework. If student start acting out in class or decide not to take advantage of the study hall portion, then maybe first state to them that you will start taking a class grade.
Solution #7
You don't have to assign homework. You probably should assign homework when students aren't retaining information during classroom time.
Solution #8
I don't think that added homework is needed. You are teaching student the concept of time management. This is important, if they don't get work done in class then it should become homework. They should be using their time wisely.
Solution #9
Homework most certainly isnt a requirement, and theres no reason to hold to tradition if you're students are succeeding as is. Assigning busywork will only add stress or chances of forgetfulness if they are already doing well. If they aren't, then you may want to look in supplementary material that you can then bring back and review in class during this study hour.
Solution #10
No! If your strategies work and students are learning, homework is not neccesary.
Solution #11
No but always remind them if they cannot complete the work then they need to do it at home. The due date does not change whether they choose to complete it now or later.
Solution #12
That’s up to you as a teacher. Some believe students have enough work load and don’t feel the need to assign homework, others choose to make whatever class work they don’t finish into their homework assignment. It’s up to the discretion of the teacher
Solution #13
I believe that homework is helpful to an extent. If the students are clearly understanding what they are learning during the class period and it shows that they are retaining that knowledge in the tests, then I don't believe it is necessary to give out homework. However, if the students are not doing well on the tests, I feel that it is very important to start assigning homework. That means that they are either not paying attention or need more time studying than they are getting during class.
Solution #14
I think just you teaching them learning strategies will help them with their homework for the other subjects they have homework in. No, I do not think you need to assign homework. I really like that you use the class for their benefit, so they can finish work.
Solution #15
Instead of assigning homework, I would begin giving students short resource presentations that will encourage them to explore new learning resources and tools that they will be able to utilize to improve in all of their other courses.
Solution #16
I believe homework is supplement and if the students are grasping material its not needed. Ultimately the choice is yours based on where your students are on the learning curve.
Solution #17
No. There isnt any research that says homework improves learning. Extra practice is one thing but it doesnt have to be done as homework and taken for a grade
Solution #18
As the teacher, you are in control of what is and what is not assigned to your students. If you choose to not assign homework to your students, then you should not have to unless you see a need for it. Homework is beneficial for not only students, but parents and teachers as well. When students are assigned homework, they have material that will help them prepare for major tests and assessments. Homework also furthers knowledge and understanding of topics discussed in class. Students are able to review the material at home and become comfortable with it. Sometimes homework is assigned just as busy work for students to complete when they go home. If you ever find yourself giving homework to your students just so they have something to do, it is probably best you not assign any because they are not gaining anything from it.
Solution #19
I would suggest assigning research projects as homework for a learning strategies class. Maybe having students learn about different kinds of learning strategies and taking personality tests to figure out their learning style.
Solution #20
Also, assigning a Home Fun assignment would be a great educational alternative for homework.

There have been studies to suggest homework is ineffective at teaching material. As long as you are doing a good job keeping their attention and making sure your teaching style is accomodating for student's learning preferences, I do not think homework is necessary.