
I have a student who spits on the floor or on other children's heads anytime he is told no. We've tried redirection, and talking to his parents but not sure what else to do.

Solution #1
I would notify the principal and/or any guidance counselors and see if they can talk to the student. You could also explain to the parents that serious consequences could be at stake if their child continues this behavior. Talking with the student to get to the root of the problem is always an option, although I'm sure you have done this already.
Solution #2
I suggest you notify the principal of the students behavior. If there is a behavior specialist, you should speak to them about implementing a behavior management plan for the student.
Solution #3
Speak to the behavior specialist about putting a tier 2 behavior plan together
Solution #4
If talking to the parents and redirection does not work, I would suggest taking this to administration as this is effects other students. Additionally, I would work with a behavior specialist to create a management plan for the student!
Solution #5
tell the guidance counsler and principal.
Solution #6
Cnntact the principal. Action needs to be taken if the parents aren't responding to this.
Solution #7
I would talk to the parents once again and explain to them that spitting is a health issue because it spreads germs especially now with covid and everything this is a serious matter.If talking to the parents still doesn't work then I would talk to the principal and guidance counselor to figure out what needs to be done.
Solution #8
I would get the principal involved. Maybe try to have a behavioral plan in place, try rewards for positive behavior.
Solution #9
Talking with the student to identify the motivation for this behavior and having them explain the rationale for doing so could be helpful. This incorporates a reflective and introspective component that can lead into practicing empathy which in time might register with them how it is unacceptable and a form of bullying.
Solution #10
Have an administrator or social worker take him out of the class every time it happens, and award him when he has good days.
Solution #11
Besides redirection, you could also try positive reinforcement for not doing the behavior. If you have tried that I would consider talking to one of the school's administrators and telling them you've done everything you can do with your means, and time without taking away from the other students' learning.
Solution #12
number one you need to make sure this is being done on purpose or if it is a tic. if it is on purpose then you need to make sure they are being properly punished, if it is a tic, then you need to find the right person to help him/her out.
Solution #13
Since it is still an issue even after talking to the parents the next step is telling the parents that you will need to get an administrator involved. The parents should be warned before this step is taken so there are no surprises when the student faces consequences.