Pulling pants down during class

I have a student that occasionally when he's told no or if he's bored he will pull his pants down during class. It's gotten to the point he will take his penis out and play with it during circle time.

Solution #1
Discuss the issue with your supervisor. Create a behavioral management plan and decide the best way to modify the behavior.

Contact the parents. The child needs early intervention and a behavioral management plan made.

The parents do need to contacted.

Solution #2
I would first explain to the student that this behavior is extremely inappropriate and can create discomfort among the classroom. The parents should be notified, as well as the school's principal. If necessary, a meeting can be held to discuss the issue even further.
Solution #3
The parents should be contacted and conference with the teacher to discuss the behavior. It is important to find out if the behavior is new and if they display the behavior at home. Maybe the parents have a system in place to curb the behavior. A united front is important to show the child that it is unacceptable at home and school. Also, people can regress if they experience a traumatic event. I would make try to see if there has been recent any major life change or event in the child's life. Once all of this is identified, his teacher, admin and parents will have to make a behavior management plan.
Solution #4
Remind them that this is inappropriate, if it continues contact the parents and a supervisor and begin to build a behavior management program for this child.
Solution #5
I would call the parents. Have a sit down with them.
Solution #6
I am unsure of the students age but discussing how and why this behavior is inappropriate is the start. But I would contact the principal and parents because of the issue.
Solution #7
Circle time tells that this is elementary the lower grades. Maybe the student is learning about their body, however that doesn't disminish the fact that what he is doing is inappropiate. There definitely needs to be actions to stop/prevent this student from pulling their pants down because it is a distraction to other students and they see whats going on. In a situation like this after you told this student multiple times to stop pulling their pants down, I would go to administration and explain what is happening and see what takes place from there.
Solution #8
I would contact parents/guardian for the child on the behavior to figure out why this is going on. If the principal or the front office doesn't know of this happening I would also let them in on this students behavior. I think having a behavioral plan or provide him with other ways to express his frustration with the answer no would be another good choice.
Solution #9
If this has been a recurring issue, I assume you have already told this student they should not be doing that in class. Maybe try asking them why they feel the need to pull their pants down during class. I would definitely contact the parents and have a discussion with them. If the behavior continues, I would talk to your school principal on how you should move forward with this problem.
Solution #10
Notify parents and the counselor. The student needs some sort of behavioral intervention before it escalates

The child needa to be monitored and watched.

Solution #11
In the moment, tell the student that it is inappropriate, explain that the bathroom and at home is a safer place and explain that it negatively impacts others. I would notify the guidance counselor and the school psychologist, he may have an unaddressed exceptionality or other emotional distress. It maybe be that he just needs a fidget toy to stimulate himself or to have designated breaks.

Explain the student what is right and wrong, yet set up a system in which they wont do that again.

Solution #12
This studnet is definitely suffering from some sort of disability. He may be doing ti to get a reaction or it could just be a compulsive behavior. If he does not receive ESE services, get him on them asap. he may need to be removed from the classroom. I had a student who did it for a reaction wand when I told the class to pay him no mind, he began to stop. If not, he may need to be removed. Contact the parent as well to see if he does that at home as well.
Solution #13
I would have a meeting with the student and his parents. I would just explain the situation and that it is something that they need to work on at home and to have a conversation with him about why that is not the appropriate setting for the behavior.

The parents do need to be involved, and administration contacted.

Solution #14
I think this needs to be addressed with the parents, as soon as possible. Possibly hosting a meeting with the principal, child, and their parents. This situation needs to be addressed because if this behavior continues it could possibly hurt the child's future.
Solution #15
Contact the parents.
Solution #16
I would pull this child aside to remind them that this behavior is very inappropriate. I will tell them that if this happens again I will have to send them to school officials.