Student hitting and screaming in class

Student in ESE classroom starts screaming in class and will hit the teacher. Sometimes extra help is available to take student out of classroom and walk to calm down. Are there any other solutions that can be done?

Solution #1
Using a behavior chart to motivate the student could help. For example, if the student is on task every 10 minutes they receive of stamp. At the end of class if they receive all their stamps, they could earn something!

We do this in my internship! Every good choice earns the child a sticker and 10 stickers earns a Pokemon card. That way we can mention the pokemon card throughout the day to encourage him.

Solution #2
Having a quiet corner or safe space would be a good idea to have so that way if the student feels overwhelmed they have "somewhere to go" but it is also till in the classroom. Also having some type of reward system that motivates positive behavior would also be a good idea to implement.

A safe space is a good idea too! Unless the child is under-stimulated, then they may need a busy space.

Solution #3
I think before finding another solution, you should determine what triggers the student experiences that causes them to scream and hit the teacher. Then, depending on the triggers, you could remove the triggers or find ways for the student to cope with the triggers. Also, maybe other ways the student can calm down are listening to comforting songs, coloring, and reading a book depending on the student's age.

I said something very similar. This behavior seems like it is triggered. It oculd be trauma or lack of stimulation.

Solution #4
I would look to see if there are any corresponding events with the child's screaming. Does it usually happen after they are overwhelemed? In a specific subject? When a specific kid speaks to them? Don't give up! Gather data to see how you can help this student.
Solution #5
Reward the student for appropriately asking for a break. I'd really focus on empowering the student as a self advocate and monitoring their own emotional. This student should be observed for what is triggering this, you really need more information before you act.
Solution #6
I would possibly try reaching out to the parents and behavioral specialist. There is obviously something deeper that they are struggling with and parents and behavioral specialists are a great start. If they are a threat to other students, there needs to be a serious intervention
Solution #7
I work a student who acts in a similar way. The teacher and I implemented a behavior chart for each part of the day and they will earn a star for each part of our schedule (math, science, etc.) they go through without any misbehavior. This has proven to be effective thus far so this could be the best course of action.
Solution #8
I think taking a walk with an behavioral teacher or IA is a great for the student. They get to look at a new face and pour out their hole heart to them about why they feel up sets.