Student wanders around the classroom

There is an ESE student wanders around the classroom. He will randomly get up from his seat and do different things like throw away trash, get new pencils, and bother other students doing work. The teacher does not want to give too much attention to student, try to find ways to redirect the student or move him closer to the teacher. Is there other solutions?

Solution #1
I find that using incentives with students tends to work. For example, set a 10 minute timer. Each time the student sits for 10 minutes and does not leave their seat, provide them with an incentive. In a classroom that I have worked in, they used class money!

I would try to set a timer or have incentive for the student. The student may just need to fidget, have other manipulatives or fidget toys available so that way instead of getting up, a student could use a pop it, or a rubber toy, etc.

Solution #2
I find that rewarding the students who demonstrate the correct behavior is immensely helpful. I would try to avoid giving this student constant attention. If he continues to bother other students after constant re-correction, I would withdraw some of their class privileges and if this does not work, get more help from school officials.
Solution #3
One thing that I was taught was about having a redirecting class buddy. A classmate who will help this student learn what they should be doing and slowly learn what the proper behavior across different contexts.
Solution #4
Have you considered making a social story for the student? You can make a sequence on visuals and simple phrases that outline what they are supposed to be doing and when to do it. For example, you would have a picture of a kid raising their hand, an adult giving thumbs up, student throwing trash away, and then a student sitting at their desk again. I would label it as "Raise hand" "Ask teacher" "Do task" "Return to seat". Hope this helps!
Solution #5
I have an ESE student who does the same thing. We reward him with classroom economy and clip ups when he stays seated for a whole lesson. We also provide him with fidgets glued/taped to his desk like silent velcro and packs of post it’s. When your student gets up I would suggest reminding him that if he stays seated he will be rewarded and if he needs something to raise his hand. When he raises his hand and stays seated throughout a whole lesson, reward him.
Solution #6
When I was in a situation like this, I observed the teacher give the student a seat directly next to their desk. That way, unwanted behaviors were corrected immediately and because the student knew that they wouldn't be able to wander, they stayed seated for a lot more of the day than they did before
Solution #7
The teacher should set very explicit choices first. Then, make a chart to remind the child of the expectations. The clearer, the better! The teacher should enforce consequences for behaviors outside of these expectations.
Solution #8
Give him break cards (the student has a set number of cards for the day and will spend them if they need a break). If he has an allotted appropriate time and way to take breaks, he will not have to take it upon himself to give himself breaks.
Solution #9
Give 0 attention. I have found they get bored and come back to the class
Solution #10
I would incorporate more activities that allow the students to stand up and move around the room so you are tending to his needs and the whole class.
Solution #11
You likely need a sort of reward system that will give him the incentive to stay in his seat. You could try a token economy or a sort of treasure box depending on the age group.
Solution #12
I would try using a reward system. Use the parameters you think are doable for the child and little by little extend them using rewards as the incentive.