Very Outspoken

While discussing different cultures and their norms, I had a student who got very offensive when the Muslim culture came up to discuss. I tried to control the situation and keep it civilized and not meant to attack any other races. This particular student got in a very heated discussion with another and stormed out. What should I do in the future to avoid a situation like this one?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Culture, religion and politics can be very sensitive topics especially if someone feels disrespected or prejudice from another group of people based on generalizations. It is very important to set the tone for sensitive topics. Students need to know that the lesson discussions may include view different but respect is expected and disrespect is not tolerated. Students need to know they have a voice and can share their perspective in a respectful manner. I would even give an example of controversial views before the class discussion. Perhaps students could write their thoughts in their notebook before sharing a view point. This is an opportunity for real-life learning.

I agree that the student needs to learn about how to disagree and state their opinions in a respectful manner. I think that demonstrating appropriate and inappropriate ways to discuss matter is a good way to go about that.

All these topics are sensitive but the also need to be discussed. If we want to teacher our children well, the we must teach them tolerance and a big way to do this is to expose them to other cultures, religions and beliefs systems. I think that writing things down is a good solution, as long as they get to share or present them later.

Solution #2
It might be a good idea before the discussion even begins to state that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and belief. The teacher must establish an environment where all of the students feel safe to share, but not at the cost of another student. It could have just been a case where the student wasn't sure he or she was upsetting the other student as bad as he/she was. It would be a good idea for the teacher to discuss what the difference is between appropriate and inappropriate remarks before class discussions begin.
Solution #3
Before any cultural discussion or lesson I would first make it clear to the class that we have an classroom environment of understanding and tolerance. I would clearly explain how each student has the right to freedom of religion and opinions and that the discussion will be calm, civil, and respectful. I believe this solution will diffuse many problems before they can arise.
Solution #4
What is the age/grade level of this student? Also is this student muslim? This is why it is important to try to implement information on different cultures weekly (if not daily) into the curriculum. The more students are exposed to the differences, the more understanding and accepting they may be! Good luck
Solution #5
I believe environment means everything when discussing sensitive topics such as culture, religion or even politics. It is the teachers responsibility to set the tone at the beginning of the discussion that every individual is entitled to their personal beliefs and that it will not be tolerated for any student to make negative comments towards anyone's personal beliefs. In addition, it is also essential for the teacher to continuously monitor the discussion being held. If the teacher identifies the slightest hint of another student negatively commenting on another students beliefs that teacher needs to immediately end ask that student to stop with the comments or depending on the severity immediately exit that student from the discussion.
Solution #6
That is hard because of hearing so much on the news with the culture also. I would just try and divert the conversation to going into a troubled way. It is good students have opinions and they deserve to be heard also just in a calm matter!
Solution #7
First off i'd like to say that there is no way to prevent this from happening. Obviously the student had very strong feelings toward this particular topic and couldn't control himself. Especially in the later grades. The best thing that you can do is have a discussion with all of the students regarding respect for each other and each others cultures.

I agree with you; this will happen. We as educators have to be prepared how to handle it when it does happen.

Solution #8
Before the lesson, I would strongly suggest that if a student has any bias towards a certain culture, they should tone down their bias and be civil with their discussions.
Solution #9
It might be a good idea to state that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and belief. The teacher must establish an environment where all of the students feel safe to share, but not at the cost of another student. It could have just been a case where the student wasn't sure he or she was upsetting the other student as bad as he/she was. It would be a good idea for the teacher to discuss what the difference is between appropriate and inappropriate remarks before class discussions begin
Solution #10
I Would discuss that you are allowed to have different views and others can as well.
Solution #11
In the future, set ground rules for having discussions; everyone must take turns talking, no one can leave the room; etc. The biggest thing is getting your students to understand how tolerance works; you might not agree with what is being said, but you will be respectful.
Solution #12
I would diffuse the situation by stating that personal beliefs are not a topic of discussion.

I would start the discussion by telling the students we are not going to be biased to other race or cultures but we are building knowledges of all cultures each countries are filled with.

I agree!