While discussing different cultures and their norms, I had a student who got very offensive when the Muslim culture came up to discuss. I tried to control the situation and keep it civilized and not meant to attack any other races. This particular student got in a very heated discussion with another and stormed out. What should I do in the future to avoid a situation like this one?
I agree that the student needs to learn about how to disagree and state their opinions in a respectful manner. I think that demonstrating appropriate and inappropriate ways to discuss matter is a good way to go about that.
All these topics are sensitive but the also need to be discussed. If we want to teacher our children well, the we must teach them tolerance and a big way to do this is to expose them to other cultures, religions and beliefs systems. I think that writing things down is a good solution, as long as they get to share or present them later.
I agree with you; this will happen. We as educators have to be prepared how to handle it when it does happen.
I would start the discussion by telling the students we are not going to be biased to other race or cultures but we are building knowledges of all cultures each countries are filled with.
I agree!