Refusing Students Accommodations

I was a long-term sub at a high school and they asked me to help with proctoring the FSA. Some of the students were ESE and are allowed extra time on their exams as their accommodation. One of the teachers who was proctoring with me in the afternoon session was saying that she is not staying after school to continue proctoring and that the students need to submit their test when time is up. The head of the ESE department was going back and forth with her saying she is not allowed to deny these students accommodations. How would you deal with a co-worker like this?

Solution #1
It sounds like this situation in particular was already being addressed by the head of the ESE department. However, if it was just the two of you proctoring or this happened with another co-worker in a different situation, I would first kindly address it with the teacher directly, explaining that the students have accommodations for a reason. If the teacher was still refusing, it would need to be reported to administration so that it could be appropriately addressed and ensure the students' accommodations are met.
Solution #2
It seems that administration is aware of the situation/ is addressing it. I would discuss your concerns with the head of the department and ask them for guidance on how to handle the situation. You could also ask to be paired with another proctor or have some substitute the proctor at some point.
Solution #3
I would start by explaining respectfully that it's policy for these students to receive extra time if they need it and if this teacher still isn't willing to listen, I would report them to the front office/faculty.