Unorganized Classroom

My internship ESE classroom is very disorganized and there is no classroom management. I am trying to implement a token economy. How would you implement this will positive behavior reinforcements and incentives?

Solution #1
There are many ways to use token economy systems. One way it might be useful in the classroom is allowing them to earn based on items they clean up. Depending on the grade, if they clean up two materials (scissors and a pencil) they can earn a token. Also what amount of tokens are they going to earn and what will the reinforcement be?

This es an excellent idea to incorporate cleaning up to earn tokens.

Solution #2
I would start with a point system. If the students receive X amount of points by Friday, then they will get five minutes of free time at the end of the day. I would also use a treasure box as an incentive.

I thought that this solution is very helpful! I have seen this in action and it works very well, especially in younger grades.

Solution #3
One way to help classroom management with the classroom economy is reward good classroom behavior with tokens. In my classroom we utilize the clip chart and when students end the day on a good color they are given a dollar bill. Or even more depending on overall behavior in the classroom
Solution #4
I feel that it is important to give the students a reward for behaving correctly in the classroom, especially when you have a class filled with rambunctious kids that are not managed properly. This type of positive reinforcement of rewarding them for good behavior will teach and prepare the students how it is in the real world when they get a job. As adults we work hard to earn the money we make which makes our performance better. Money is the prize at a job as an adult. Finding the right prize that will create that urge to behave correctly will make create more motivation to listen better and pay more attention.
Solution #5
At the school I'm interning at the kids get green tickets for being good in the halls. My CT collects them and when they get to 50 the kids get a pizza party. I think this could work well in an ESE class because it focuses on good behavior and does not single any one person out in the process.

Thanks for sharing, this is a good idea.

Solution #6
I would start with discussing with students what should earn your tokens, and reestablishing those expectations regularly. Form a contract and have students sign it.
Solution #7
Depending on the grade you could do treasure box for younger grades. My CT chooses a mystery person for each class and that student gets a kindness candy. She will also pick out students in class that are showing they are ready to work and are behaving and being helpful the whole class to get a kindness candy.

Great recommendation!

Solution #8
It is difficult for students to thrive and be organized in a disorganized space. I would begin with organizing your classroom. If you would like pointers, I suggest googling it! There are many resources out there.
Solution #9
For a token economy, I would first assess how the classroom operates. Since the classroom is disorganized, I would try to work with a small group of students. As an intern, trying to completely change the whole class dynamic in a short period of time, without the support of your CT is going to be very difficult. So, assess which students you have a build a bond with and use them as the target group to implement this management plan. I personally, do not agree with the token economy, I think it gives the wrong idea for following expectations, but if you find the happy balance, I would suggest giving candy or small prizes and giving them out at the end of the day so that other students do not feel left out or discouraged.
Solution #10
I would give the students classroom jobs so they feel some type of responsibility.
Solution #11
Every student is different, so it's crucial to customize the token economy system to address their individual demands and difficulties. A token economy can enhance your ESE classroom's conduct and classroom management if it is consistently used and reinforced.