Behavioral Issues

In this first grade class there is a new student who has recently entered the school district and this school. There is little to no knowledge of the students records from previous schools. The parents are not involved with the teacher or the school and are rather irritated when contacted with either notes home or phone calls. This student throughout the day refuses to do the work provided to them or listen to anything the teacher has to say. When doing classwork the student would either rip up the work, yell at the teacher or throw things across the room. So far administration has said to ignore the student and do not give him attention other than redirecting him when needed.

Solution #1
Portal can sometimes have information about the students previous schools, I would consider checking there! If you are able, I would find out the students interest and work that into your interactions. Their interest can be used to engage them in a lesson, reward them for good behavior, and redirect them away from misbehavior or the behaviors you have described!

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Solution #2
I would give him a classroom job that will give him the attention he wants but not giving into his behavior. Even if it is as simple as sharpening the pencils, collecting papers, transitioning the class, or organizing materials.
Solution #3
I would possibly try reaching out to the parents and behavioral specialist. There is obviously something deeper that they are struggling with and parents and behavioral specialists are a great start. If they are a threat to other students, there needs to be a serious intervention
Solution #4
I think this behavior is definitely a reflection of the parent's behavior. If they do not want to get involved with how their child is acting at school, obviously nothing is going to change because it doesn't seem like the parents are doing anything to improve his behavior. Talk with the administration and explain that action should be taken with the student and that they need to get the parents involved. Maybe having the student meet with the school counselor or therapist once or twice a week may be helpful as well. I don't think that the student's actions should just be ignored.
Solution #5
It may be beneficial to reach out to district wide resources. Behavior like this should not be ignored and the deeper issue must be uncovered. All documentation should be recorded to show that your administration too no action to protect yourself from future damage.