Smart Watch

The school has a strict no-phone policy within the classroom, and more than half of the students have an array of smartwatches, what should I do about this?

Solution #1
You should allow the students to still wear their watches, but make sure the volume and all notification sounds are off. Have clear standards as to what you expect the usage of the watches to be in the room. If a student abuses the technology, speak with them individually and contact parents about the abuse of the technology in the classroom. If the problem continues, bring it up with your administration. But this matter should be handled in class first before bringing anyone else in

I agree with still having them, just having notifications turned off.

Solution #2
I think you should allow the students to have the watches on in class because they can serve other purposes but if you see them abusing the privilege and texting or speaking into them, then they receive a warning, if it continues they need to be put away and not brought to school again.
Solution #3
I think smart watches are okay if they students are using them correctly. If you notice them always looking at it or on it them contacting parents will help and then removing it from the student.
Solution #4
What does the district say about smart watches? They should have a policy in tact for smart devices as well/.

I agree that the school definitely has a policy on this.

Solution #5
If said smartwatches are not posing as a distraction I do think there is a need to do anything other than ask administration about the policy. But if there is constant noise, distraction from class, and cheating with these watches I would treat it just as a cellphone policy.
Solution #6
If students have smart watches that have the same functionalities as a phone warn them that if they use it as anything more than a watch they may be required to put it away.
Solution #7
there should be no reason to simple take them away unless during a test. I would have rules and regulation for their use during class, like keeping the volume and notifications lowered and silent during class. if this fails and the students do not follow these rules remember to have these rules send to and signed by parents before taking any further action or confiscating the watches as due to their cost parents may not feel comfortably with you taking them during class.
Solution #8
I would make a rule that they are in airplane and silent modes in the classroom. That way they are essentially just and no longer a distraction. I would have a consequence for them if they break the rule, and enforce that consequence.
Solution #9
Ask them to not wear them in class. Perhaps send a note home that they are not to wear them in class. Students will try to tell you it "can't text" or something like that, but you cannot believe them. Smartwatches are just as distracting as phones.
Solution #10
My school has a similar rule. As long as the phones are put away, the watches should not be getting any notifications, so it shouldn't be a problem.
Solution #11
When I was in high school our teachers would have students put their phones in a bin in the front of the classroom but many students would have smartwatches and still text from them. I would say if they have a smart watch you can also take it during the class period. This is for many reasons, on those watches they can text, look up answers, and use calculators. So not only is it about morals and respect for the teachers, it's also about not cheating as well.
Solution #12
As long as they are not a distraction, I think they should still be able to keep them. Smart watches can be great for safety such as needing to get a hold of someone quickly in an emergency or being able to stay informed on anything that might be going on at home.
Solution #13
The students are wearing smart watches. Speak to a school administrator in regards to if they have a policy. If they do not, then the students are following directions. You can tell the students to not let the watches be distractors.
Solution #14
If it's a cause for concern you can contact parents about the watches. If the watches are a minimal disruption/distraction, then you could implement a classroom rule for them to be silenced or put away entirely during things like tests (or even class entirely).

This is a great idea to contact parents.

Solution #15
Watches are not nearly as distracting as smart phones are. The use of smart watches should be towards emergencies and such, so make that clear. Give them the right to use their smart watch, but make it clear that after a number of times, their rights will be revoked.
Solution #16
I would make a rule where during class these are not to be used. If an emergency comes up obviously that is different.
Solution #17
You should get in contact with the administration to update the policy to include smart watches. This is the only real way to solve this issue on a school-wide scale, as trying to fix a school-wide issue in just your class is nearly impossible.
Solution #18
I think since it is their own personal device, there is not much to do except lay down rules that they would have to follow if they abuse the fact that they have their watch. When I was in school, I had my watch on but never had my phone with me. I would get messages throughout the day and found the best thing to do to prevent me from checking my watch was to turn off my phone when I was in the class.
Solution #19
If having a watch is a policy that is allowed in your school you should also allow it in your classroom. However if students continuously abuse this right by using their watch in ways they shouldn't as a teach you can take that right way
Solution #20
It greatly depends on their age. I believe if they are responsible with the watch and respect the rules during school, then they should be allowed to wear it. There should be a personal record that the student signs off on that gives them warnings. After three maybe it is time to contact parents asking them to help on the home end.
Solution #21
Just keep a close eye on it. They can access a lot without pushing any buttons so make your expectations clear.

It is definitely a great idea to set expectations.

Solution #22
It depends on the grade level you are working with and how mature they can be. With older students who can better self-regulate it should be okay to allow them to wear the watch as long as they meet any expectations or rules. For younger students I would suggest working with parents to see if it is necessary for the student to have the watch and determining possible solutions based on this information.

This is a great idea and I feel that this would work.

Solution #23
Tell the students about the policy in school and explicitly explain that they can bring their smart watches but to not use them in class, as it is like a phone and as such will be treated as such