As the teacher, you can walk around and surveillance the classroom but is that truly enough or could there be more to do as the teacher instead of just walking around the classroom?
Solution #1
Joined on Oct 2022
50 points
Pacing through the room is a great starting point, but as you mentioned it alone is not enough. During your lesson, you could incorporate a call-and-response section to make sure they are vocally engaged. Within your lesson, incorporate brain breaks; yes you have to have a schedule and get things done in a timely manner, but having planned 3-5 minute breaks allows students to catch their breath and not get mentally overwhelmed. Work into the classroom an incentive program that rewards both those following direct instruction and those who have acted in accordance with class guidelines without being told to.
Solution #2
Joined on Feb 2023
102 points
Although walking around is a great tool for formative assessments and observations, there are other strategies for the teacher to use. One that my CT and I try to use often is random quizzes. Not formal quizzes, but we ask a question about the task at hand, such as if we were doing a math exercise, then we would ask a simple question that related to the work. This allows the teacher to know who is on task and who is understanding the material and who needs more support.
Solution #3
Joined on Oct 2021
200 points
Pair the studnets with peers that are known for good behavior. Putting them in small groups can encourage the students to have good behavior. Peers have power in that sense. reward the good behavior and discourage the bad. Verbally tell the student that they are doing a good job when they stay on task.
Solution #4
Joined on Feb 2023
102 points
There is definitely more you can do! I would recommend doing round-rally robins where the students answer a question or come up with a thought that they each have to share within a small group. This is a way to make sure everyone is participating and if they aren't then the other students or teacher can help them.
Solution #5
Joined on Feb 2023
101 points
Walking around the classroom doesn’t have to be the only solution to preventing bad behavior. You can make your instructional activity more fun and engaging. You can change the seating arrangement to better fit your classroom activity and assign seats to certain students accordingly. Anything that helps contribute to a more engaging classroom environment.
Solution #6
Joined on Oct 2023
201 points
It is important to make sure that your students are comprehending the lessons that are being discussed. Having them discuss things throughout the lesson with the people next to them and having students answer questions or form discussions is a way to help make sure that students are trying to stay infromed.
Solution #7
Joined on Sep 2023
53 points
As mentioned in the other comments, one of the best ways to ensure that students are on task is by making their learning engaging. By ensuring that students are interested in the activity, it is more likely that they will remain on task. Teachers can achieve this through the use of technology, discussions, games, real-world connections, collaboration, and hands-on activities. By making the work relatable and fun, students will gain better understandings.
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