How do you incorporate a safe multicultural environment in your classroom?

Do you make sure that everyone is accepted? Do you provide things that make it more easy for people to learn about the many different religions across the globe? Is there ways to make sure that you are keeping your students safe while introducing different cultural diversity?

Solution #1
Depending on your age group, put some posters about equality and varying languages to provide a place of equality. Another thing you can do is learn more about the cultures that your students are from. The way about this depends on the personalities and ages of your students, but by learning more about the cultures of the students in your class, and school, you will know the things that they are offended by in that culture and how to avoid it. You will also be taught about how their culture may have been oppressed at some point in history, giving that student some disadvantages you may have not been aware of. This isn't to treat the student as a stereotype, so it shouldn't let it change your attitude about the student, and give them pity. This is to ensure the student can have the safest possible environment, and so that you know how best to protect them from any inequality. I will caveat and say that I am a straight, white male, so take what I say with a grain of salt, as I haven't ever truly been discriminated against, just stating what has helped me in the past. Self-education and self-reflection about your daily activities is the most important thing.
Solution #2
I think that showcasing work from diverse perspective would be a way to introduce culture in a safe way. For example, in an English class, you can include approved literature from diverse authors.