What types of strategies can you use with an ESOL student?

I would like some help with finding some strategies for some of my ESOL kids in the future. Should I try and sit down with them individually and work with them or should I give them independent worksheets and try and help them that way or should I make it like whole class instruction into an assignment? Any feedback would be appreciated.

Solution #1
I recommend sitting down and getting to know the students individually. Each ESOL student is unique, and unfortunately, there is not a one size fits all method. By learning more about the student, you will have an easier time determining what strategies, accommodations, and modifications the student will benefit from the most. It is important to remember that each stage will require a different level of support and attention from you as a teacher. Students in the early stages of their SLA process will likely need extra help to complete independent worksheets without the proper accommodations. Some accommodations I feel should be provided to ESOL students are: a dictionary in their Native language, having the instructions written in English and their native language, incorporating visuals and realia into the class instruction, and even using sentence framed or shortened versions of an assignment.