What happens if you feel like something in your code of ethics is different than how you think in your workplace?
Would you need to talk to somebody in administration about it or would it just be best to find a different place of work ?
Solution #1
Joined on Sep 2023
54 points
I agree with discussing it before making a rash and big decision to quit. Most of the times things may seem different than they actually are, and humans tend to overthink ideas that end up spinning out of control. If we overthink things, sometimes we create a narrative of what the situation may be like where in actuality, it is nothing near what we conjured up in our minds. Once you do get an idea of how it actually is by speaking to peers about their code of ethics and what they have experienced in the time they were there, I would weigh out how much you love your job. If you don't love it and there really is a discrepancy in their ethics, maybe take it as a sign that you are meant to be somewhere else. However, if you love your job, I would stick it out and spend more time talking to experienced workers there because it could just seem one way on the surface.
Solution #2
Joined on Nov 2022
206 points
I think it is always valuable to share your concerns first before making a big move, like quitting that job.
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