How would you try and make measurements in testing understandable to your students and make it fair?

Is there ways to test your students on a small scale and not a huge scale like a massive test that can test their knowledge after a given lesson rather than breaking out a whole test after ever unit?

Solution #1
Assessing students' learning on a small scale after a given lesson through various methods, such as quizzes, exit tickets, polling and surveying, and class discussion, is important for several reasons. These methods allow teachers to gain insights into students' comprehension and adjust their teaching as needed, while also promoting engagement and participation. Moreover, small-scale assessments can help students to retain information better and feel more confident in their learning, which can ultimately lead to better outcomes on larger-scale tests and assessments.
Solution #2
A simple verbal pop quiz that is motivated by excitement works great! It encourages intrinsic motivation.
Solution #3
In class worksheets that they can fill in while you go through the lesson promotes focus as well as gives them the opportunity to find what they don't understand in class as opposed to at home when they can't immediately ask you questions.
Solution #4
Discussions that require involvement can help you assess their knowledge of certain subjects.
Solution #5
Have students answer a brief set of questions or prompts related to the day's lesson as they leave the classroom. This provides a quick snapshot of their understanding.