Dealing with students who "don't like you"

How do you deal with that student who "doesn't like you" ?

Solution #1
In my experience the majority of the time when a student does not like you there is typically an underlying reason. Try and have a conversation with the student. Ask them what is going on and they might have some external factors they are bringing into the classroom. Overall, this topic needs to be handled professional, with grace, and with patience. Just like in every other aspect of life there will be people who don't like you, the same will happen in the classroom. The key to all of this is to just try to find a way to work together towards goals.
Solution #2
I would suggest letting the student know that even though they may not be fond of you, you are fond of them and it is your goal to help them succeed. I think the classic "kill them with kindness" is the best way to go with students who don't like you.
Solution #3
Not all your students will like you but the best way to go about this is to treat them the same way you treat your other students and not let it get the best of you.
Solution #4
Students that visibly show they don't like their teacher, have to be handled professionally and appropriately. First, get to an understanding of why the individual may not like you and talk to them about it. Let them know at the end of the day, you just want them to be successful and you are not the enemy. Become more personal with that student so you can get an understanding of where their head is at
Solution #5
I would try to get context clues on to why they dislike you and if you can try to make those things right by them. Most of the time if a student is not a fan of you they will not respect your classroom environment, impeding on not just theirs but every students' learning in the class.
Solution #6
As a teacher, not all students will like you. It is a known fact. They may not like how the information is presented or may just not like the subject. If a student doesn’t like you, they need to still be respectful of you as you are the adult and the teacher. You can not let them know you are hurt by their mood because you can not let one kid ruin the day.
Solution #7
I would try not to take it personally, even though that can be difficult. Not everyone is going to like you. Let them know that you still want them to succeed and you are there to help and support them.
Solution #8
A good possible way to deal with the student that does not like you is to show that you care about them even though they dislike you. Showing them that no matter how they act or how they treat you, you will still be there for them.