I would do mock-interviews with a friend or a family member. Have them ask questions that would be asked in an interview to boost your confidence. I would also just quiz myself on my answers to be better prepared.
Solution #2
Joined on Feb 2023
205 points
Taking a deep breath is the first step. Then, I think to myself that the school I am interviewing at is also part of the interview process, such as seeing if they will be a good fit for you. It takes some of the pressure off. Also, just do your best! If it's meant to be then it will be.
Solution #3
Joined on Feb 2023
100 points
If you know any teachers at the school you are applying to I would ask them about what their interview experience looked like and a few questions you should expect.
Solution #4
Joined on Mar 2023
103 points
I have had my family or friends conduct a fake but serious interview. I have also had other teachers or professors prep me for things that might be asked .
Solution #5
Joined on Feb 2023
203 points
Most employers know how nerve racking an interview is and will most of the time be understanding if certain things happen that are caused by anxiety, nervousness, jitters, etc. But if you feel that your anxiety is too much and too uncomfortable I would suggest going over possible interview questions and answers and practicing them. You can also do a practice interview with someone to help you feel more comfortable with the real thing.
Solution #6
Joined on Apr 2023
208 points
Remember that the people interviewing you are just regular people and have been where you are sitting before. Ask them questions about themselves, they may become your boss or coworker so try to get to know them. Treat them with respect and conduct the interview like a conversation, be yourself and remain positive.
Solution #7
Joined on Aug 2023
53 points
First off, build up your confidence. Create a list of your strengths and weaknesses. It helps to see what you're great at, and humbling to see where you still need to improve. From there, look up some practice interview problems and write out your responses or have a friend or partner or parent "interview" you. There are also many free mock interview websites. At the end of the day, you have to stay true to your beliefs, and most importantly, believe in yourself and know what you want.
Solution #8
Joined on Sep 2023
50 points
You have to be confident in yourself. You can also practice answering potential questions that may be asked in the interview.
Solution #9
Joined on Nov 2022
202 points
One way I cope with anxiety is being prepared by practicing questions they could ask and being ready to give an answer. Another way to cope would be through meditation.
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