
Do you think homework is a valuable use of a way for an educator to assess a student's knowledge of a concept?

Solution #1
I think homework can be useful in assessing a student's knowledge of a concept, but it should most definitely not be the only method of assessing. Some students may not understand concepts but still turn in completed and correct homework because they got help from family, friends, or the internet. I think in general, it is more effective in seeing if students do not understand a concept than if they do, because it will be clear when a student turns in incorrect answers that they do not understand it.
Solution #2
I think homework is a good way to help a student practice concepts that they learned in the classroom. I do not think that homework should be used to assess a student's knowledge of a concept because there are many different factors that can effect homework performance. If a student has to watch a sibling, cook dinner, or even work a job to help the family out they wont be able perform their best on homework.
Solution #3
I think homework can be great practice and a way for teachers to assess a students knowledge of a concept, but it shouldn’t be the only form of assessment. Informal and formal assessments should be used. Additionally, if homework is given, it should be meaningful and intentional.
Solution #4
I think that use should give students homework as a way for them to practice what is being taught during the lesson. I don't think it should be used as an assessment but could give you an idea of student progresses depending on what is assigned.
Solution #5
Homework provides students with an opportunity for independent practice, allowing them to reinforce and apply what they've learned in class. This can contribute to a deeper understanding of the material.
Solution #6
I feel as though homework, along with in-class quizzes are great ways to check and see how much your students are retaining. But something that can help and go the extra step for them would be to show them related examples right before sending them off to do it on their own, THEN, reviewing what they've done of their own with them to see who needs more help with which problems.
Solution #7
Yes and no, because having students do extra practice of a topic learned in class at home can be beneficial for them to acquire knowledge needed to succeed in the class and/or help them to study for tests getting students better grades than they would have previously. However, overwhelming students with homework (especially when the assignments are unnecessary) is not a good idea.
Solution #8
I do think homework is a valuable way to assess a student's knowledge. It is also extra practice for the student.