Fellow Teachers

How do I go about reporting inappropriate behaviors by a teacher at my school?

Solution #1
Speak to administration immediately. By doing something inappropriate in front of you, you can only guess what she does when she is in HER classroom. Request to be anonymous as teachers like that can try to retaliate.
Solution #2
I would go to administration and tell them what happened but also let them know you would like to remain anonymous.
Solution #3
You can go to their chair person and ask to remain hidden and not let it be known its you. Report the behavior and watch to see if anything is done.
Solution #4
If a teacher's behavior is inappropriate then the best thing to do is report it to administration. This is a serious issue that should not be ignored.
Solution #5
If you feel a teacher is behaving wrongfully, starting with your department supervisor and having them faciliate a conversation with adminstration is a great practice.