Rude Teacher Aid

I'm an intern in a self-contained ESE classroom of 9th-12th grade students. One of the aids has displayed unacceptable behavior towards some students, mocking them, yelling at them over minor issues, and trying to exclude them from activities. I feel that approaching this aid about the issue would only cause more conflict, what should I do?

Solution #1
If approaching the aid is not something you want to do, then the 2nd best approach is giving an informed report to higher authority. Give your reasons for concern, your story, and allow them to approach the aid themselves to resolve the matter.
Solution #2
Hey! I hope all is well. I I think that you should have a conversation with that teachers aid because there is no place for that kind of behavior from anyone let alone a professional. I dont think that behavior should be allowed to go unchecked. I do understand your point though and not wanting to have conflict is a good thing but in this case I would definitely let the aid know that the behavior demonstrated is unacceptable.
Solution #3
I would recommend some form of communication before looking for consequences. Of course personal face-to-face confrontation is hard but I would recommend sending them an email or something similar to express how you feel. If the behavior continues then I would contact a higher authority in the school.

While most of this post I agree with, I disagree with the suggestion to email. It's hard to tell a person's tone of voice and expression online. If the aid is verbally angry with students, they could do the same to you.

I think that emailing is not the best solution. Confrontation is scary, yet effective.


Solution #4
I would share the concerns you are having with the teacher who is being aided. Include examples of the unacceptable behavior and why you think it's inappropriate. I am sure the teacher will either talk to the aid about the issue or go to administration because they want o=to set a good example for you.
Solution #5
Hi, I would definitely consider approaching the aid and gently explaining your concerns however if you feel uncomfortable with approaching them then I would go to an admin or higher up. This is something that needs to be addressed.

I don't think that addressing it with the person is the right solution, for they do not respect you as a superior.

Solution #6
I think you should contact administration/the ones that hired said teacher aid. It is important for them to know what it going on. Although you want to help, and that is amazing, it is not your job as an intern to address those issues.
Solution #7
First off, I'm sorry you've been placed in a difficult situation like this. Going into that field, anyone can determine that you will need extra patience with some students. If you do not feel comfortable speaking to her directly, speak to a higher up, and ensure you tell them that you did not want to cause any drama within the classroom if she reacted poorly. Hopefully they will speak with her and the situation will right itself, but with people like that, sometimes they just need a change, ideally one in careers.
Solution #8
I would start by making detailed notes on any behavior you witness. Then talk to the head teacher and explain what you have seen. The teacher will be able to be on the lookout for the behavior and likely be able to talk with the aide and avoid additional conflict. I would also suggest noting when you spoke with the teacher and, if the problems continue, talking with your internship advisor. They will likely know more about the process and who to get involved in the situation. I am so sorry you have to deal with this situation, and I hope you can find positive moments regardless of the aide.
Solution #9
If you think that approaching the aid would only make things worse, then I would go to someone of a higher authority and express your concerns. Allow them to reach out to the aid.

I agree that it would be helpful to go to someone higher up.

Solution #10
I recommend speaking to your CT about the situation. I can understand this being an uncomfortable situation as the intern; however, the way that the teacher aid is treating students is not okay and it would be to the student's benefit to advocate for them.
Solution #11
Perhaps you could take the child or children under your wing, for lack of better words, and ensure that while you can't control the attitudes of the teacher aid, you can control your own actions and attitudes toward the student.
Solution #12
I would say as an intern you couldn't really confront them about it yourself, I don't think it's your place. But I would recommend letting a higher-up know about the behavior.
Solution #13
Skip the aid and go straight to administration. If the aid is displaying unacceptable behavior to the children, they will likely do the same to you. It is not worth going to them.
Solution #14
I would definitely consider reporting this to a higher up authority.
Solution #15
I think that a way to approach this would be to ask questions. For example, I would ask the aid if they often use this form of discipline for the student and why they think it is effective (for the sake of education), them having to explain their methods will open the conversation up about the aids concerning behavior. If the conversation does not go over well, then I would bring this up to another administrator to see what they think about the aid's behavior.
Solution #16
I think that a private discussion of your expectations is needed.