The Students Not Paying Attention

After all the times I have asked the students to sit down and listen to me while I give them instructions, some of the students keep on talking. How can I get the students to listen to me while I am trying to give instructions? Is there any type of incentive to give the students if they listen?

Solution #1
A good incentive I would recommend giving them when they do listen is positive reinforcement. This can range anywhere from telling them they’re doing good at listening to a reward such as a piece of candy.

I commented something similar. It is always a good idea to reward good behavior.

Solution #2
To ensure students listen during instruction, establish clear expectations from the start of the school year. When it's time to listen, use attention-grabbing strategies like a bell or a special signal. Provide positive reinforcement for paying attention during instruction, such as free time or a little incentive. Praise and acknowledge students who follow directions consistently to encourage other kids to do the same.
Solution #3
Many students can be motivated by the idea of free time. Depending on how your class time is set up you could offer this. If they talk to much or cant pay attention then you can take it away.
Solution #4
Rewards are always a good incentive. This could include things such as extended recess time, a special Friday treat, or an ice cream party. Tell your students that if they listen well, don't talk, and get their work done in the time given then they will receive an extra special reward. Using words like this are very good motivators for your students to listen because it attracts their attention to what you're saying.
Solution #5
I believe in rewarding good behavior. Maybe have a reward system in place. For example, when the students listen and do their work quietly, they receive "classroom bucks". When they receive a certain number of bucks then they get to choose something out of a treasure box, candy jar, or an activity to do.
Solution #6
I think students should have to earn these amenities, not be rewarded with them. Docking points for participation or giving punishments like lunch detentions might light a fire under your students. Rewards like candy will only encourage the students to get quiet for the reward, not to pay attention to the class.
Solution #7
Discipline! Send them to principal.

Good luck!!

Solution #8
Solution #9
Motivate the students with rewards for following and listening to instructions. Warn them that if they do not follow and listen to instructions they will not get the reward.