How to get along with and build relationships with co workers.

Just starting at a new school, it is a very small school and most of the teachers are parents to students. I find it difficult to bond with them because they all have known each other for quite a long time and are raising their kids together. I am still very young only 23 and there is no one my age here. During lunch I typically stay in my room because I truly have anxiety to come down the break room and try to talk to them. I just need some ideas on how to find a common bond and how to feel less alone. Everyone talks about their teacher bestie and I just want to make one.

Solution #1
I am in the same boat as you because I will also be a new teacher, and I am a little nervous about connecting with the other teachers. I would suggest going to the lunch area and trying to speak to the other teachers about tips and different things they do in their classroom to help build a connection. Its always hard for us to come out of our shells but baby steps will help with the anxiety we have all been there.
Solution #2
I struggle with social anxiety a lot of the time, so I get what you mean with feeling like taking those first steps are going to be the worst. Truthfully, the hardest part will be just going into the break room, but I think if you continue to be more present with them and slowly find your place in the group, you'll be okay. A lot of people get comfortable in their friend groups, but there will be someone who will be receptive to you and could potentially be a stepping stone into you getting more acquainted with everyone. Take it one step at a time and don't feel like you have to meet your bestie on day 1.
Solution #3
You can start by asking other teachers tips on what they use in their classroom. This could be anything from classroom management to tips on a lesson. Also, going to the break room to find things you have in common with other teachers could also help.

I agree!