How can you make diversity in the classroom important and stress the need for equality to your students?

I can think of a couple things that would just overall be a important rule or step for students to understand such as treat others how you would like to be treated or don't say anything rude towards another student but I can't really think of any other rules or procedures that would go along with it. Any suggestions or tips?

Solution #1
There are many interactive ways for the students to understand diversity in the classroom. For example, having books depicting kids from other cultures or non-fiction books talking about other cultures. Maybe for a celebration at the end of the year, students can bring in food or a meal that comes from their culture/ethnicity and the class can have a potluck. During the holidays, students can share what their family does to celebrate and this can lead to a class discussion about traditions around the world. Numerous projects can be done for students to share their culture and explain why it's important to them. Hate and discrimination are taught, so teaching young kids to be respectful of other people's customs instead can mold them into respectful adults.
Solution #2
I think that it is difficult to do this in the state of Florida without possible consequences. I would first see where my boundaries lie within discussion of diversity and inclusion. However, to answer the question, I think having other posters like "REMINDER:Everyone is different."