Students are not taking the lesson activity seriously

Each week, my students are split into groups of about 5 or 6 and asked to follow a specific group study structure model. Students come to class prepared with material to study, but when they are sharing their material with other students, it's apparent to me that they are just selecting material that they have already mastered and don't actually need help with. How do I encourage the students to utilize this study model and contribute real study questions to the group so that it's not a waste of everyone's time?

Solution #1
A solution would be to pick to select questions that will be a challenge. With these challenges students could work together in their groups of 5-6. Then after a few minutes or before the next lesson you could ask if their are any questions.

I liked this solution with picking the more challenging questions and materials.

thank you

Solution #2
You could possibly structure the groups to be a combination of different strengths and weaknesses requiring them to work together. But you could also assign more of a strict lesson so they don't pick the easier solution.

I liked the idea of assigning a stricter lesson.

Solution #3
I would say having a combination of lectures and group work is good. Then maybe having them all write down the trouble area they had with the material the night before they get put into groups would help them stay more on task.

Writing down trouble areas is a good idea.

Solution #4
I would suggest placing groups based off of differing strengths and weaknesses. In this way, each student can feed off another. Another thing I would suggest is an activity such as jigsaw. With this, each student in a group will master a certain area, and then teach their group about that mastered area. In this way, everyone in the group is on task, and their learning process is not hindered.

Making groups from different levels of skills and strengths and weaknesses is great for partner work.


Solution #5
I would give the students an outline of topics to choose from when creating their material to study. I would try to make these topics more challenging or have multiple aspects, so students would most likely have to choose a topic that they are at least partially unfamiliar with. Perhaps also give them an opportunity to use some of these study materials on a portion of their exam, so they will want to study something they are unfamiliar with in order to have it aid them on their test.
Solution #6
Well, I think, if you already know that they have mastered such material, then take that away and tell them they are no longer able to work on that specific part of the material and that they have to choose something else. but that is only if you are sure that they have mastered what they are choosing to study.
Solution #7
I would give the students an outline of topics to choose from when creating their material to study. I would try to make these topics more challenging or have multiple aspects, so students would most likely have to choose a topic that they are at least partially unfamiliar with. Perhaps also give them an opportunity to use some of these study materials on a portion of their exam, so they will want to study something they are unfamiliar with in order to have it aid them on their test.
Solution #8
I think supplying the students with the materials will be a better solution then letting them choose for themselves. Another thing that you could do is partner students who need help with the materials with someone who has already mastered the material. This way, the student who needs help may not feel as bad getting it from a classmate.
Solution #9
Let students know that the work is cruital for success. Good Luck!
Solution #10
You could be less lenient. Assign the more challenging material to be done in this model instead of allowing them to choose what they want and pick the easier material.
Solution #11
Results will showcase right vs wrong. Maybe do a practice test, let the students see their mistakes, and motivate them to use different and more effective tactics.