Students Being Difficult

Every year there is at least one student in every class that disrupts learning. Through this, there are many ways to help the student out and work with them. I know some students will go against teachers words and still act up. What different ways are there to help the student out and not disrupt the class?

Solution #1
firsts teachers would need to identify why the student is acting out and disrupting the class. from their it is a matter of the teacher sitting down and discussing the problem with the student. if this conduct continues remind the student of the classroom rules and penalties. If this fails too then teachers need to contact the parent of guardian to inform them of the disruptive behavior in class. during class its best not to simple ignore the disruptive behavior as that may lead other students to do the same. try and move the student closure to you so they know you have their full attention and are observing them. then once class is over discuss the bad behavior with them, and or get in contact with the students parents.
Solution #2
As teachers, we should try to find out why the student is acting out and help them. There are reasons for why everyone does something. By recognizing reasons that could be causing the student to disrupt the class we are working with them and that will hopefully help them work with us.
Solution #3
I would take my student aside after or before class and ask them what has been going on with them. I'll ask them if everything is okay and if there is anything they would like to talk with me about. I will express to them that I am here to help them and grow, and that interruptions make it very hard to help alllll of these little friends at the same time.
Solution #4
Like you said, there are many ways to deal with this including bringing it up to the student's parents exactly how the topic title suggests.