Not Accepting Students For Who They Are

There are teachers who do not accepted students for who they are in the classroom. As in todays day and age, everyone should be treated the same, as you would think. But some teachers just don't care. How can we get every student to be accepted for who they are no matter what race, ethnic, gender, etc.?

Solution #1
This is an issue for administration, especially if the teacher's beliefs are affecting the student's ability to learn, singling them out in the classroom could also bring negative attention from other peers. This would absolutely be against any district's code of conduct, students should have no issue reporting the teacher's behavior and administration should be quick to address it.
Solution #2
As a teacher, you need to be accepting of every student you have and teach them equally. If a teacher is denying a student's education based on their race, ethnicity, gender, etc. they are not fit to be a teacher. During the hiring process for teachers and faculty at schools, the applicant should be asked what they think about diversity in schools. If their answer is unsatisfactory, they should not be a teacher at the school. If a teacher is working at the school with biased beliefs about race, ethnicity, gender, etc. they should be talked to and if their offensive behavior continues, they should be fired.