Students being ahead of the class

There are some students who are ahead of the game. Where they have already learned and done the stuff that they are doing in the classroom. Most of these students would be considered gifted since they are ahead. When a student is ahead, should the teacher recommend the student to take the test to be in higher level classes?

Solution #1
That depend on the students own interest and ability. I would try and introduce the idea to them first and give try and give them work that is similar to the being given in higher levels and see how they respond to it first. It is also important to introduce this and discuss the topic with parents as well and get their input as well,
Solution #2
I would recommend it to the student, and mention it to the parents and staff at the school. Moving the student up into a gifted class is an option, yes, but it should not be a solution without the student's family being okay with the idea.
Solution #3
Discuss the student's performance with colleagues, especially those who specialize in gifted education or advanced placement. Gather different perspectives to make an informed decision.
Solution #4
Having a child ahead of the class is a great thing for them but can be very difficult to manage in the classroom as they could be distruptive if they don't feel like they have work to do. I would talk with admin about higher placement, or if you could provide more challenging work so that they could be placed higher for the next school year.