Using your work computer for personal things

I know there are some teachers out there that only have a laptop because of the school and do not own a personal laptop. If this is the case, should teachers be allowed to use their work laptop for personal things? Or should they go out and buy one that they have at their house?

Solution #1
It is not a matter of whether teachers should be allowed but rather teachers are not allowed to use their district laptops for personal use. District laptops are monitored, and teachers could lose their employment over using their district laptops for personal use. It is best that all teachers and district employees should follow all district rules and procedures to refrain from dealing with consequences. I would provide teachers with advice on where they can purchase laptops on sale or provide them with locations to public libraries where they can use computers for free.
Solution #2
Ideally, teachers should use their work laptop for school-related tasks to maintain professionalism and ensure the security of sensitive student data. However, if a teacher doesn't have a personal laptop, it might be reasonable for them to use their work laptop for some personal tasks—provided they follow school policies and avoid anything that could compromise the laptop’s security or functionality. If the school allows personal use, it’s important to strike a balance and make sure personal use doesn’t interfere with work responsibilities. If it becomes a regular need, buying a personal laptop could be a good investment for separating work and personal tasks.